The word is Parenthood, idk what’s up with the “illegal picture scanner”, but it would reject my upload if it had any words relating to kids, apparently, up to and including “parenthood”

PSA: If you don’t know, coin cells are very easy for toddlers to swallow and very deadly in a matter of hours when stomach acid starts breaching it and mixing with the battery chemistry if not promptly treated.

    3 months ago

    I have exactly one item in my house that needs a coin cell battery. The device (an egg timer) is magnetized to the stove vent way beyond my boy’s reach and I keep the only spare battery inside the packaging until I need it.

    My son isn’t the kind of kid that goes digging for stuff to put in his mouth. But if so, it would be impossible for him to open the carton and it would be very hard for him to put the whole thing in his mouth.

    Kids or not, I hate coin batteries in general. Mostly because you can’t buy rechargeable versions. I have a collection of Eneloops, most of which are nearing their ninth birthday and still going strong. I would rather not buy disposable batteries of any kind.