So we all im sure have seen the insanely dumb shit the USA is doing and for anyone near an area that might be hit by a tactical nuke in the event of a limited exchange i thought id post some advice on what to do.
This is for people outside the blast zone but inside a radiation zone. If your in the blast well… tell Lenin i send my love.
Firstly a few basics to stock up on.
Bottled water
cheap shelf stable ready to eat foods. Trail snacks, granola, stuff like that. Few multivitamins too.
Iodine tablets.
N95 masks(or the best u can find.)
Duct tape.
A cheap handheld radio that can be recharged and has emergency channels.
When the strikes happen if your outside get inside ASAP. Remove all clotheing before going inside and leave it outside. Pick a room preferably a bathroom in the center of a structure that doesnt have windows. Preferably have all supplies already in there, but if not get them in there fast. Close the door and duct tape over any cracks or vents. Fill bathtub with water. Take 1 iodine pill everyday starting now.
Turn the water to the toilet off. You will be using the bathtub water to flush do not bring in outside water anymore. You will stay sealed in this room for 48 hours. After 48 hours you will remove the duct tape as you need air from outside but stay in the room as long as you can.
The fallout of modern nukes should break down pretty fast the longer you stay inside the better. Listen to the radio for info from your government. When you cannot stay inside anymore due to low supplies you will put on an N95 mask, a thick jacket, gloves, long pants, closed shoes, etc. Duct tape the seams between pants, jacket, gloves, and shoes. wear goggles. If you can do multiple layers!
You want to minimize exposure to your skin, and keep fallout particles from entering the body. a makeshift hazmat suit like this is single use. You will get as far away as you can as fast as you can. Hopefully the radio told you a safe place. When you get there you will carefully remove this suit and discard it while avoiding touching the outside of it. Get into clean clothes (you can bring a change of clothes and keep them in a sealed bag).
At this point you should be outside the immediate fallout zone and probably in a refugee camp. Seek out medical care immediately. Inform medical staff you may have been exposed to radiatioactive fallout. If you did all of this youll be better off then 90% of people and most likely be fine. If you do get radiation poisoning youll have atleast minimized the damage. Remember that radiation is invisible. Even if you feel fine, never saw ask or dust, etc. GET PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL CARE ASAP!
I hope nobody ever has a need to use this advice but ive been researching it just to prepare myself and thought id share it. Anyone who has any other advice please post it below for me and others to educate ourselves.
Stay safe everyone <3
I’m starting to get preppers now. I would fucking love to be one of those people who sunk a million dollars on a bunker and necessary supplies now
Most of them will die.
Fire and/or air-blockage kills bunkers quick.
Oh no! That’s so terrible!
Honestly, for the better. Most of those prepper types have some fucked up/nasty ideas on how to treat civilization after they emerge from their bougie apocalypse man-caves.
Honestly the best advice is to just keep moving.
Thank you so much for not using a wojak here
counterpoint: chinese wojak
as in, it’s still a wojak in a way 🤭
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dude what
I would think that the rich bastards spending shit tons of money on doomsday bunkers would know a thing or two about how they operate and how to make them last.
Bigger ones? Sure.
Boogaloo shitheads and their recommissioned 50s bunkers? Nah.
Boogaloo shitheads? I figure you have some interesting reading for me.
I dunno why I just saw this now!
Boogaloo is one of the variety of factions of “alt-right” that is popping up. I actually haven’t really heard heads or tails of it since like a year ago but I’m sure there is still Hawaiian shirt-wearing goobers with cheap 3d-printed AR platforms. Normally I would cite Prolewiki but the article on them is really short. This goes into more detail, if you can weed past some of the lib brain-worms. There’s varieties of these types in every state. I’ve dealt with Watchmen more. There is different beliefs depending on the group. Boogaloo is typically brain-rotted lolbertarian younger folks. Watchmen are older folk, more “influential” and connected to politics. Proud Boys are more chauvinist. In my opinion, Watchmen are actually dangerous (they all are but dangerous in the sense of their connections) and the work on them equally so. (Not much reporting gets done on them at all besides for socialist organizations)
“New York Assemblyman David DiPietro has attended their rallies, as well as Assistant Director of Health and Human Services Michael Caputo, who worked for the Reagan administration with Oliver North to pursue the interests of US imperialism in Central America.”
Problem with the Watchmen is that the area doesn’t have much going for in terms of organization against it. I’ve been involved in the local scene when I lived there but the strongest “organization” that wasn’t the democratic party or republican was DSA lmao. DSA isn’t gonna do shit against local shit-heads with guns. Wasn’t even on their radar.
I think things like that is what scare me the most. You can get to know your community, build some organization, talk to your neighbors, etc. Next thing you know word travels down the grapevine and you get the same truck passing by your spot at the same time each day. What do you do in that situation? Arming yourself is only the possibility of a guarantee; not an end-all be-all solution that most people think it is. Sure as shit can’t trust police especially in the area (never anyways but ya get me). One precinct is known for having SS tattoos on their neck.
I’m aware of the “Boogalo Boys” and their Hawaiian bullshit, I just thought that there was a recent development or something.
I am instantly killing myself if I’m not lucky enough to be caught in the fireball. Who the hell wants to live in a world devastated by nuclear war. There would be few things closer to hell.
In a nuclear apocalypse, the living will envy the dead
I’ve always agreed with that sentiment. If I somehow did end up not being incinerated, I’d probably just choose to end it manually than have to endure the literal hellscape that would follow.
Depends on the number of nukes launched, their locations, what natural resources are nearby, what areas have less exposure to radiation, if possible.
What a miserable life that would be.
I’d rather have a miserable life than be dead, for the most part. And as always, it depends on the specific circumstances.
Its possible there could be a limited exchange. We as Humans have set off hundreds of nukes during tests over the years and were still here now; so unless we go all out there will be regions largely uneffected. And Nuclear winter is unlikely in a limited exchange too. If you could get away fron areas that got hit youd have a pretty normal life assuming world leaders came to their senses after the first few and didnt keep launching. Especially if its just a few tactical nukes then youd only be super effected if you were in the immediate area.
There would likely be economic collapse as markets crash and people panic buy supplies tho everywhere. But that wouldn’t last too long.
A limited exchange is a fantasy. The second even small tactical nukes are fired, the other side will panic and retaliate. Also we’ve fired hundreds of nukes, one at a time, in the middle of nowhere and mostly underground. Something tells me the effect would be different if a Minuteman 3 was dropped on Moscow or Beijing. Or if you know… tens of thousands of nuclear blasts happened the same day. If you make someone drink a drop of arsenic every day the result wouldn’t be good… but they’d survive. Now make that same person drink 100ml of arsenic at once.
Also “economic collapse” is putting it lightly.
If China, Russia, India, and the US alone are wiped off the map the subsequent famine would kill billions. Forget about getting medicine or medical supplies either. Or electronic equipment.
Millions more would freeze to death the following winter as gas, coal, and nuclear facilities are turned to ash.
Also what money? China is gone, the US is gone, Russia is gone… what value does your money have? No one is buying anything in that situation.
You can absolutely not “nothing ever happens” a nuclear exchange.
I’d highly recommend watching the movie Threads. Not even because it’s realistic or anything, but it shows how quickly “limited exchanges” escalate and how sometimes survival is worse than death.
I dunno might as well go on an adventure
You are dying of starvation in less then a month, as you bleed out from radiation sores on the side of a road.
Honestly, even the Fallout games, as a world to actually live in, sucks an extreme amount.
The only addition to this is that you probably would want some canned foods too.
You know, it’s crazy to read this now considering I grew up with my father explaining to me how to survive a nuclear winter (even though we live nowhere near anything worth striking) and this is exactly what he used to say. We really managed to be closer to nuclear war now, decades after the end of the cold war, than any time before.
ya canned foods are great. Little bulky and heavy to store sadly tho. Especially if your gonna have to flee the area taking them can be a challenge. Theyre a great solution if you want more than a few weeks of food stored tho and have the space.
This is why despite how much hatred I harbor for the American Empire, it is still the country I reside in and despite all my rage and hatred towards the country as a whole, I still pray that its collapse will be (relatively) peaceful and painless - although I know very well the chances of that are near zero.
Best I can do is people being executed in football stadiums a la Pinochet as China denounces US internal meltdown at the UN. Nukes but in Latvia and only small ones. Everyone stops talking about it within a year like the Trump assassination
This is actually very helpful as I, unfortunately, live very close to a military base (I do not think I am near enough for the blast zone but probably enough for radiation). The news with Ukraine being allowed to use long-range missiles has been making me very scared. Although I know Canada is probably not first on the chopping block so my fears are mostly unfounded.
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You can still do a lot of this. If you live in an apartment complex talk to neighbors and make a plan together and share the costs of stuff like masks. (You can buy a multi-pack and all take 1 for example). Im pretty broke too and am just doing what i can. Even if all we manage to do is reduce our radiation exposure slightly it could be the difference between a slow painful death, and survival.
Tape all your windows with black garbage bags and get into the very center of your house, underground if possible. Radiation is stopped by 1" of lead, 5" of aluminium and 4-6ft of dirt (iirc), so the more objects there is between you and the outside, the better.
If you can’t find iodine tablets, just put a drop or two of iodine on a tiny piece of bread rolled into a ball and eat that. One a day.
There used to be a site called that had dozens of GBs of all kinds of survival manuals, weapons manuals, military textbooks, and so on. The website is down and I lost the hard drive that I archived the site on. :( RIP, it was a real treasure.
important note in a nuclear incident there are 2 dangers from radiation. 1 yes is the radiation itself like you mentioned, but even more dangerous is radioactive fallout particles. If these particles get on your body or in your body theyll sit there giving off radiation constantly right next to you, or inside you. This is why isolation is so important as these particles will settle over time and not be floating in the air. Plus they have short half lives. So even if you had a lead lined room if you go in there with fallout particles in your lungs your fucked anyway. So mask up, goggle up, keep them off your body, clean yourself off, discard all clotheing, etc.
Yes. Which is why it’s good to put garbage bags over all the windows, so that it doesn’t seep in through the gaps in the windows.
Avoid this place:
Well you’d die. If nukes start flying all the rules go out the window.
Living in Australia :)
Don’t worry, part of the US nuclear doctrine is to nuke their allies to ensure that in the post-nuclear world, they will still be the largest power still standing. So we get to be included too!
part of the US nuclear doctrine is to nuke their allies
I’ve heard this before but never managed to find a source. Do you know where I could read more about it by any chance?
Cap surely
Being australian ;/
Is what I learned with fallout. Or something.