I’m not sure where to post this so I’m hoping onebag can help. I’m a band director and I carry large music scores (up to 12 x 18) and I’m looking for a bag that I can use to transport them back and forth from work. Ideally it would be less than $200 Canadian. Closest thing I’ve seen was the timbuk2 alcatraz backback but you can’t get that in Canada…


  • MajorMajormajormajor@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Do you only need to transport the music scores? To and from work as in a daily commute? Or are you traveling long distances (ie flying, taking train, etc) to different locations?

    Would a side satchel/brief case/etc style bag work? If it’s a daily commute with only the scores and possibly a lunch/other small things a smaller bag might be more useful.