So I try to make heads or tails of this situation. I got randomly banned from a community where I posted a youtube video showing something from a Convention. Then I wanted to post a question today but realised that I couldn’t since I was banned. That community is sadly the biggest of all Star Citizen communities (the next one would be from
I took a look at the Mod log and see the following line in it:
So no clean up of violating comments or posts, just a strict out ban.
The community has a pretty standard ruleset:
further, the moderator hasn’t posted anything since a year, so what gives here, or was it some other mod that was able to declare the ban?
Hey folks, I just had an amazing idea: a drinking game. Drink a sip when someone gets banned from, under rule #1, for criticising either Russia or China. Two sips if there’s no reasonable way to interpret it as criticism against the populations, only against the State or corporations.
…nah, bad idea. You’ll ruin your livers.
Serious now. After checking the modlog, it’s clearly a PTB (power-tripping bastards) case. The nearest of something bigoted that I could find in the modlog was
This is bad not because you’re criticising Putin, or Trump, but because of the expression itself. Even then, it’s more of a “Watch your language, you’re being homophobic”, not grounds for a month long ban. And let us not fool ourselves, this likely had zero impact on your ban.
Devils advocate: sucking dicks isn’t inherently gay (women exist), and “sucking someone’s dick” figuratively is a colloquial albeit explicit term for “sucking up” to someone, or “kissing ass.”
Saying “blah blah sucking putin’s dick” is homophobic (gay) is like saying “blah blah eating MTG’s box” is homophobic (lesbian).
The catch is that this only works to insult Trump because it’s seen as insulting on first place, and it’s only insulting because [homo|bi] men and women are seen as “less” than heterosexual men.
Counterpoint: I’d judge a woman for sucking putin’s literal dick just as much as I would a man, and it has more to do with the guy they’re choosing to have sexual relations with. If a guy or woman was blowing, idk, Weird Al or someone cool I wouldn’t bat an eye. Even if it wasn’t just a figurative bastardization of “sucking up,” the “bad” doesn’t come from the “gay” it comes from the “fuck that guy he’s a POS.”
Well, I got banned from ml. What are we drinkin boys