What’s everyone using?

I’m running Tumbleweed, personally. I like the rolling release model, I think it supports my use case better than point releases. And OpenSUSE has the smoothest, most pleasant rolling release available IMO.

  • Fabrik872
    31 year ago

    I have switched to opensuse thumbleweed because i wanted rolling release destro and arch is too complicated for me i mean i gave it few hours of trying and learning but the install script kept failing so i gave up. I tried manjaro for some time but it was too bloated for me. With thumbleweed i feel like at home and yast is an amazing tool and i need to learn bit more about it and use it bit more. To me this is best rolling distro i have used and maybe the best distro ever.

  • frozenA
    21 year ago

    Tumbleweed on my gaming desktop for more customizability, Aeon on my laptop since it Just Works™. Pretty good balance, I think.

  • @LossLeader@lemmy.studio
    21 year ago

    I’ve been running on the same Tumbleweed install for almost a decade now with little issue. It’s such a trusty rolling release distro. I love it!

  • -RYknow
    11 year ago

    I’m using Tumbleweed on various desktops, but I also use Leap. I use Leap on a couple different apple machines that I have, as leap seems to play better with Apple wireless adapters (stupid Broadcom adapters).

    Either way, both work well but I do prefer tumbleweed.

  • hellstabber
    11 year ago

    I use Tumbleweed both for gaming and development environment. In my opinion, it is the smoothest rolling release distribution. I used to use it via WSL2 on Windows 11. Now I have Tumbeweed instead of Windows