My friend is relatively progressive (pro LGBTQIA+, anti-racist, etc) but he fails to have more than a surface level analysis of things.


I don’t remember exactly what we were talking about in the first place but we ended up in some dumb debate about whether ethical companies exist (AriZona tea and Tony’s chocolonely specifically), because some are ‘progressive’ and apparently don’t do ‘bad stuff’ like others do… I immediately replied to him that these companies inherently uphold the capitalist system and operate within its exploitative structure. And that just because a company is pro LGBTQ, doesn’t use slave labour (lmao), pays their workers slightly more, etc, doesn’t mean theyre progressive. He, of course, completely ignored me, either because he didn’t understand what I was saying or was just wilfully ignorant (I’m in favour of the former).

It’s just so tiring talking to people who have no understanding of how these processes work. No matter how much I try to ‘deprogram’ these kinds of people, they just block it all out.

    3 months ago

    Opening your mind to a completely new worldview is not easy. It has taken months for my closest friends to be convinced that capitalism is the problem. That doesnt mean they are convinced of socialism however.