It’s just wild that we remove sexual organs -which is irreversible- from those who aren’t sexually mature yet, rather than relying on therapeutics that are reversible until they’re of age. Especially since so many trans youth also suffer from other mental heath issues. Those issues at least should be looked into and treated prior to moving forward with organ removal.

    1 year ago

    How many have you talked to, post-op? How many of them have expressed regret? How many of them have expressed the intimidation and threats against them just for feeling different than you?

    Maybe you have talked to them. I don’t doubt you. But I don’t think you understand them. They’re volunteering for what they do. It’s very different from lobotomies which were generally non-consensual.

    I’ve talked to a lot of folk pre- and post-op. If I were a medical practitioner then I would perform the operation myself. I don’t agree with their decision, and I don’t have to. But I fully endorse them to make the decision as it is their right to have their body function and form the way they want.

    …just as I would also fully endorse anyone who wants to replace any other damaged body part.

    Think your body looks wrong? You can color it any way you like. Tattoos are a thing, after all.

    Lost or damaged a limb? Replace it! Plenty of combat vets and people with muscular disorders agree with this.

    Want to feel magnets? You can implant magnets under your fingertips! Plenty of body modders have done this.

    Want better vision? Get better eyes! Let me know when they’re safe, I’ve got some blind relatives who need replacement optical equipment.

    Do you not want to have children? Then remove your crotch spawning capabilities! Plenty of men and women get this done. It’s your body, it’s your right.

    Want to commit suicide? Well, I don’t agree with it but I fully think that falls within your right to bodily autonomy.