It’s just wild that we remove sexual organs -which is irreversible- from those who aren’t sexually mature yet, rather than relying on therapeutics that are reversible until they’re of age. Especially since so many trans youth also suffer from other mental heath issues. Those issues at least should be looked into and treated prior to moving forward with organ removal.

    1 year ago

    Show your work or stop spreading misinformation.

    Noone is saying there are no side effects, just that they are minimal, mostly temporary, and significantly less harmful than not getting treatment. Drugs like Lupron have been used for decades for things like precocious puberty and endometriosis treatments. It’s side effects are well understood, and more harmful ones only occur after extended periods of use. Which they aren’t prescribed for long periods of time for trans youth because they are used to give them a bit of time to determine if they want hormone therapy. Which does have longer term side effects.