I’m gunna start by saying, I wish I could slap everyone in the face right now. Lol a respectful smack in the mouth if you will.

Ok, so I was reading a thread on another instance that was going to defederate with us, and OBVIOUSLY It was irritating as fuck.

I’m gunna rant here a little bit, but I’m tired of being fucking demonized and spoken of in a condescending way.

I’m a white female a quarter Panamanian, have 3 half black and white cousins, a big black mother fuckin uncle lol I only date Mexican men, had a very close gay best friend, use to make out with other girls at parties when I was young and stupid (Drunk doing dumb shit) grew up in Southern California where being white was the minority and was hated on by Mexicans all the time, I’m indifferent about abortion, think a lot of trans women are actually more beautiful then regular born women, love gay people and drag queens and I’m a conservative republican.

I don’t see how all of that qualifies me as being a Nazi. One important thing I want to say is when it comes down to jokes and humor I think people take that in a certain way that distorts their thinking.

I’m not exactly sure how to word this but when it comes to you jokes and humor and being funny it’s not something that portrays my beliefs I guess is what I’m trying to say.

Like if I see a racist post about black people and it’s really funny, I’m laughing at the stereotype fucked up if that makes sense.

I’m not laughing and agreeing with it.

With that, there’s some memes or things that people say that are too extreme for even me to find humorous.

Why am I considered a bad person ?

What the fuck is so God dam bad about exploding-heads? I feel like people don’t have the ability to laugh at themselves anymore.

Like for instance if somebody posts a misogynist meme that makes fun of women and it’s really funny I laugh at it because it’s fucking hilarious but I don’t agree with that shit and I acknowledge that some people think that way.

It’s just a stupid dumb joke yeah there’s misogynist people but they’re not in my life and they’re not affecting my life directly I don’t care about them I’m just laughing at a fucking joke.

Why do people take things so God damn seriously these days?

  • ihatetroons@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    FWIW, cuz I know I’m as big a shitposter as any, sorry for any backlash intended for me that you or others are caught in.

    Like you say, I think of it as joking around with some political viewpoints mixed in here and there (you know, like most comedy used to be before the political correctness police took over).

    I think some of them are definitely out to just shut things down by any means possible bc they can’t take a joke / are authoritarian leftists. I really don’t want to bend a knee to those people. But I honestly can’t tell what “normal” people think in all this… Or maybe I should say what “people who aren’t on EH (yet) / aren’t participating in those subs yet but who also don’t give a shit about offensive humor” think.

    • Alice@exploding-heads.comOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah you’re totally fucking right dude and I so agree with you that’s exactly how I feel. It’s definitely more people just trying to shut it down no matter what and I agree fuck bending in need of those people. I guess what I don’t like is that they’re just twisting the narrative. And to see all those comments of people saying like ‘Yea I saw so much fucked up shit on EH’

      I’m just sitting here thinking like what shit? And then also none of them fucking mentioned birgit.mo I’m sorry but I feel like it’s instances like that that should cause moral outrage that shit’s fucking disgusting and I couldn’t even believe that the feet averse Fosters that kind of shit.

      I know that it’s on a different server and how that stuff works or whatever but I was still pretty surprised when I found that out. Like shouldn’t that be causing everyone to be outraged like why is nobody talking about that?

    • Alice@exploding-heads.comOP
      1 year ago

      Huh… :/ I know I know

      It sucks man, I just wanna talk to people. But I’m not gunna go on an instance where I have to follow orders to be nice 🤗

      I’m not gunna kiss anyone’s fucking ass

  • hieroglyphdics@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    I’m not jewish but have larped as a jew, and self depreciating humor gets me called a nazi quite a lot. It made me realize that a real jewish person cannot be themselves, or have any negative qualities, otherwise they will be erased, and called nazi themselves. How dare you jew, how dare you for not being perfect.

  • markeuzu@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    I agree with the overal sentiment you have. You make one joke and people want to have whole discussions about it. Like chill, its just a dumb joke.

    But I also think good jokes have an observational element to them which can offend a bunch of people.

    If you identify with a culture or group its only expected that people outside said group make jokes.

    Edgy jokes make or break on the observational element I guess?

    Its just ironic that people can appreciate a good submarine billionaire joke but get completely offended when you make a similar raunchy joke about ◼️ or ◻️ people.