Man, I hated when mine finally died. I’m not a big fan of apple, but I put some serious miles on that.
But too many things failed one after another, so it wasn’t a repairable thing. Would have basically had to replace everything except the body, and the price tag was higher than a replacement from other brands at that point.
But the way the classic worked was awesome. Barring a touch screen, that wheel was perfect for minor changes while driving, or otherwise unable to really mess around much. And it was better than a touch screen sometimes.
Man, I hated when mine finally died. I’m not a big fan of apple, but I put some serious miles on that.
But too many things failed one after another, so it wasn’t a repairable thing. Would have basically had to replace everything except the body, and the price tag was higher than a replacement from other brands at that point.
But the way the classic worked was awesome. Barring a touch screen, that wheel was perfect for minor changes while driving, or otherwise unable to really mess around much. And it was better than a touch screen sometimes.
Nice to see one still working :)
Lmao, if that’s what it takes to keep the dream alive!
They are great for kids. No distractions, only audio. 👍🏻