Do you ride with a camera? Which one? How do you mount it? Do you like it?
I mounted a dashcam with front and rear camera; brand is VSYSTO, quality is decent but not good at night. I did put the main unit under the seat, so the sound is not great from there, but it will turn on and off with the bike. The cameras have a very strong glue but I put some safety zipties around in case the glue fail. Since my bike don’t have much fairings to hide stuff (2022 SV 650) I had to pass them behind some very little passages around and I have to find a decent fix for the rear camera cable that is just hanging a bit out of the bike.
Been a while since I have, but to clarify:
What are you looking for?
Chronicling adventures? Dash cam for liability? 360 for social media clips? Or something else?
Still rockin my Contour Roam 2 - the tube design is perfect for side mounting on my helmet and it’s fine for filming both for documenting fun rides and capturing idiots on the road. Shame they went out of business.
I miss this camera so much! Mine finally died a few years ago.
Dreading the day mine fails…it’s been a trooper.