Hi All,
Over the previous 20 years I’ve used at home mostly Mandriva, then kUbuntu and just installed a Manjaro. So I am not “new to Linux” but still new to Manjaro/arch. Has anyone a good “primer” for people migrating ?
A few questions I have
How does pacman work compared to apt-get ? and how to find in which package an command lies. I struggled a bit to get lsinput (to configure a rudder pedal for flight sim)
I am struggling a bit with Zsh, like I ended up starting bash to configure an environment variable, any ressources on-it. Or shall I simply change my setting (and how) to use bash that I know a bit. It’s a home/Gaming PC so I don’t plan to use the console that much but as anyone who has been using linux based OS for a while, I find-it more conveinient
And I’ve been using it since the 90s, now what?
Look, if you don’t like Manjaro at least use regular Arch. Manjaro ships with the stable branch for a reason, it’s designed around it and it’s a branch that doesn’t exist on Arch. If you switch to unstable it won’t work well or at all. Why subject a beginner to something you know won’t work?