I’m trying to sign up for men’s #cooking #lessons here in #Japan to placate my busy #Japanese wife. While she was away, I made this cheese omelette; beginner’s luck! A #community center has me on a waiting list, or I could spill for more upscale lessons. It is astonishing and unJapanese that single-person #households are approaching 40%. #Single #men of all ages have a poor #diet, which exacerbates the #lifespan gap with #women. #Loneliness is also a #health hazard. Many men are #widowed, never #married, or their #wives #divorce them, often after the children become independent and the husband is useless around the house after a busy career. Single men, or married men interested in cooking or helping their wives, possibly fearing their wives’ pent-up anger, can find #companionship as well as #survival #skills in cooking lessons. Men’s classes start from zero; women #cook and #socialize.


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@psychology @sociology