Born in Boston, longtime full Professor at Osaka Jogakuin University. Japanese government foreign aid agency (JICA) Lecturer. World Association for Online Education President. Manages @OnlineEducation and @Bilingualism 🦣 groups. International family. Book chapter in A Passion for Japan. 574 Google Scholar citations to 250 publications on Japan, Asia, Online Education, Bilingualism, and the academic life (searchable): Prof. Sailer, thank you for your comment - from a different world than here in Japan. Regarding cultural and family values, Japan is the archetypal contrasting culture to the West, but there are individual differences such that some men like to cook or be helpful to their wives.
I envy your having daughters, as we have two sons, very successful in Tokyo but not very concerned about us. We do have a granddaughter, 3/4 Japanese, who is getting cuter and cuter, but Japanese are so private that I can’t show photos of her. In my Intercultural Communication class I emphasize the public self vs. private self dimension, partly because the difference is so great between my family and myself as a public person: publications and projects bared at