Sometimes the pro-Hamas people say the quiet part loud.

A bunch of them like posting snuff photos; unverifiable but grisly images of death. Violence porn, intended to shock and to garner sympathy.

I won’t link, for obvious reasons, but one of the worst offenders, who has explicitly endorsed Hamas, recently posted one such image. It shows what appears to be a corpse under a impromptu shroud, with just a small, dirty hand sticking out.

The image has text embedded in it that reads, and I quote exactly, “A martyr child in day 100 of the aggression on Gaza.”

Without going into much detail on the issue of why there’s “aggression” (hint: Hamas’ massacre on 10/7), something else strikes me.

The corpse is not referred to as a victim or a casualty, but as a “martyr”. This is the quiet part being said loudly.

#hamas #martyr #propaganda #israel #politics
