Hey all, just wanted to bring this up as it should be released soonish - saw a video or two a while ago and was intrigued, was bummed to see it was invite only still.
Anyone played this yet? Thoughts? Other hype? I mean it’s the successor to gmod, I’m here for it and all its buggy glory 🤩🤩
Now they did mention retooling in September but I’m hopeful they’re comfortable and capable to still hit a Q1 or Q2 deadline. Who knows, what do you think?
Another chance to be an unpaid beta tester for a decade in an absurdly toxic community, and if my ideas are good enough, have them stolen and turned into a game mode?
Wow, where do I sign up?!?! I cant wait to pay money to beta test an early access game labelled and sold as a finished product!
Obligatory reminder that Garry just downloaded JBMod, added hilariously insecure Lua scripting/injection into it, and made an insanely poorly optimized UI, and then sold it.
Oh then he spent years on facepunch promising to fix things soon and then taking 3 years to do it, usually waiting until some unpaid modder/coder figured out and solved the problem for him.
Then he nuked the Facepunch forums, removing all evidence of this.
Great company, great games, great community rofl!
Literal bully sims
Hah, well I did already give you that Sig 320 inside a hollowed out 1984 copy in another thread.
Keep it close, I suppose.
Never heard of this game or guy/company. Never will again hopefully
Nice troll
I dont need to troll you as you seem to have already trolled yourself, buying Starfield on launch.