What are the first things you think of while out on the trail? If yes, why do you not like it? Do you have developers who make games about this kind of thing?
What are the first things you think of while out on the trail? If yes, why do you not like it? Do you have developers who make games about this kind of thing?
I’m in the early stages of developing a game about being a father, and would love input. This is about more than just looking good on a camera (I know my dads will appreciate it), it’s about being a father and being true to your role as a father.\n\nThanks!
Your response is “I’m a dad, and I’m a father”. No, I’m not a father. I love playing games. I mean I played basketball as a kid, I like hiking and fishing, and I have an amazing relationship with my kids. So what’s the first thing you think of while out there? If yes, why do you not like it? Does your father hate you? Do you feel like you are fighting against the world’s greatest man?