Mini as high as it is makes me question the report. No idea whether they’re bought off in any fashion but mini has never been reliable. Fun cars to drive but expensive to fix and have a bad track record. The Rivian is dead last, is that just because they haven’t been around long?
The fact KIA is 10th is amazing. It also doesn’t surprise me because anecdotally very few of the people I know who have a KIA have never had any real problems outside of normal wear and tear.
Remember for this thread folks: your anecdotal, subjective evidence of an entire brand’s reliability means more than an actual data
And if your favorite (or least favorite) brand isn’t where you want it to be, it’s ironclad proof that CR is bought off.
Mini as high as it is makes me question the report. No idea whether they’re bought off in any fashion but mini has never been reliable. Fun cars to drive but expensive to fix and have a bad track record. The Rivian is dead last, is that just because they haven’t been around long?
Minis have been reliable since ~2014
New company, low sales, lots of issues as they learn the ropes… Its not surprising, we’ll see if they’re still at the bottom in 10 years.
The fact KIA is 10th is amazing. It also doesn’t surprise me because anecdotally very few of the people I know who have a KIA have never had any real problems outside of normal wear and tear.