Unfortunately we do not currently have an estimated delivery date for your device order.
We’ve checked and confirmed your order is being processed at our warehouse. You can track the status of your order and see real time update on your order status page
You should receive an email containing the tracking information for your shipment as soon as it has shipped.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know - we will be happy to assist you.
got this yesterday, pretty much copy/paste response
I would be happy to provide some clarity.
Unfortunately we do not currently have an estimated delivery date for your device order.
We’ve checked and confirmed your order is being processed at our warehouse. You can track the status of your order and see real time update on your order status page
You should receive an email containing the tracking information for your shipment as soon as it has shipped.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know - we will be happy to assist you.
got this yesterday, pretty much copy/paste response
Yeah, it’s definitely being processed at your warehouse. It’s been processed all week. They are truly refining the process of processing.