Glad to see it is only for busy sites. I live in Halifax, NS in Canada and have a 2019 Model 3 SR+ with over 130,000 kms on it. When I travel from Halifax to Moncton in winter weather the nav system usually tells me to charge to more than 90% in Enfield so I can make it to the Supercharger in Aulac, NB.
When traveling to Cape Breton, I usually charge to 100% in Enfield because everything North and east of Halifax is a bit of a DCFC wasteland. There are a few 50kw Flo chargers but they are single stations spaced around 100kms apart so they tend to be pretty busy.
Glad to see it, but this is only for busy sites
Glad to see it is only for busy sites. I live in Halifax, NS in Canada and have a 2019 Model 3 SR+ with over 130,000 kms on it. When I travel from Halifax to Moncton in winter weather the nav system usually tells me to charge to more than 90% in Enfield so I can make it to the Supercharger in Aulac, NB.
When traveling to Cape Breton, I usually charge to 100% in Enfield because everything North and east of Halifax is a bit of a DCFC wasteland. There are a few 50kw Flo chargers but they are single stations spaced around 100kms apart so they tend to be pretty busy.