I’m assuming most people here have had a dreams of playing in cup final scoring the winner and such

So how far did you get to reaching such dreams

Did you reach academy levels l or high

I thought of this question because I’ve one of dad’s "oh I could played pro if it wasn’t for my shit knees

  • Acceptable_News_4716@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Level 7 in the Pyramid, can’t tell you how good the best players at this level are! I wasn’t one of them!

    Bizarre mix of players with stunning abilities and wasted talent to players who would literally run through a brick wall to get a result.

    Once played with a guy who made his debut and scored 4 and he was immense, pace, touch everything, it was daft. We all went to Pub after the game (he didn’t come to the pub) and we just spoke about he was totally different class and was going to win us the league, he turned up the following Tuesday for a mid week game (so we didn’t train Monday) and he played like he’d not gone home since Saturday and he was clearly and massively wasted….