hello, i’ve a question about napoli from this summer:

why de laurentis he took garcia has coach of napoli?

from the summer i read everyday a lot of comment, and heard a lot of people, about how wrong is garcia is as coach of napoli.

in fact the team is not performing well.

from a team that had win a scudetto, a strong team, why bring garcia of everyone knows he would not have been able to manage the napoli?

also, bayern bought a important player as kim and the club buy natan to replace him. No? he is not the same level of kim.

i don’t understand.

  • MrX_1899@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    to be honest I think his hiring was born from bitterness/spite

    Spalletti took Garcia’s job at Roma way back when & ADL bought into Garcia’s “revenge tour” taking Spalletti’s job. It failed spectacularly as predicted.

    His job interview with ADL was probably all bald fraud jokes

  • slipeinlagen@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Sad reality is that nobody really wanted that job this summer.

    It was a no win scenario. Doing as well was highly unlikely, and even if you can replicate the success of last year people would still say that you got a free ride on Spalletti’s team.

  • mercurialsaliva@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    De laurentis said it was because he plays the same formation as Spalletti

    Why sell kim? He had no option they paid his release clause. Also Napoli is a small team that needs the revenue.

  • Upper-Ad-1224@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Nobody knows why he picked Rudi Garcia , probably wanted an owner’s coach who would do anything ADL says

  • TURBINEFABRIK74@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Saving money and downscale the team, I’m surprised ADL hasn’t sold both kvara and osimhen for 200 mils

  • Humble-End-7891@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Listen it’s true ADL got cocky, but also it’s not easy to replicate winning again.

    Napoli have their way how they run a club, which differs from Juve/Inter/Milan. The later requires more money, more risks and more debts.

    If anthg Roma is run more like big boys, and Napoli is in Lazio/Fiore/Atalanta bracket. But even doing so they have outperformed many teams over years

  • arcos__@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Probabilmente per dare continuità al progetto Napoli basato su gioco offensivo e 433/4231, tutte caratteristiche che hanno contraddistinto le squadre di Garcia, senza dimenticare che comunque RD è un allenatore di esperienza anche europea e che già conosceva il campionato italiano.

    • aldorella_123@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Si però la vera domanda è: perchè scegliere Rudi se poi fin dalla prima partita si capiva che non aveva totale fiducia, sia da parte dei tifosi che della squadra/dirigenza?

      • HarveyDrapers@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Nessuno avrebbe mai avuto totale fiducia comunque. Alla fine della scorsa stagione ADL aveva 2 possibilità: vendere sia kim sia osimhen e costruire qualcosa di diverso oppure non vendere nessuno dei 2 e continuare sulla via di spalletti. Ha scelto una strada a metà, che alla fine non premia nessuno

      • arcos__@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Io ho risposto alla domanda di OP; se ti devo dire la mia penso che se è vero che la squadra non ha avuto fiducia fin da subito, ADL non poteva saperlo al momento della scelta; i tifosi invece non li considero neanche, non so se ricordi cosa dissero gli Juventini all’arrivo di Allegri nel 2014.

  • Shaggy_Rogers0@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Natan has been Napoli best defender this season.
    His impact is not the same Kim had, but the Korean had the luck to come in a perfectly working team.

    About Garcia… most ADL haters will probably say that he choose Garcia out of arrogance or something like that… but, imho he just picked the only free manager with a positive past experience in a Serie A top team and with a preferred formation at least broadly similar to Spalletti’s one.

    • Roby1k@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Ok i didn’t know Natan was performing well actually. I think however that maybe is a downgrade compare to Kim, i’m just surprise the club didin’t use the money make with him to buy a similar replacement.

      About Garcia, idk there was several name in this summer about the possible coach, I think it’s weird ADL should know that was a risk to bring him, why do not focus on other coach?

      with this premise was obv that the Napoli wouldn’t perform well.

    • Ashamed-Addendum-661@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      You could be right, despite the fact that, after Spalletti’s leaving, ADL put on airs talking about a range of 40’s manager from which to choose.

    • interstellate@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      also with a good european cup’s experience. he didnt keep in mind that garcia is outdated, arrogant and recently been sacked from a saudi team (!!).
      a very poor, rushed and arrogant choice by ADL

  • Ashamed-Addendum-661@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    why de laurentis he took garcia has coach of napoli?

    Last year we won Scudetto because every part of the machine works perfectly. Spalletti was great, players were great, Giuntoli was great, every single member of the staff was great.

    After winning, ADL thought that it was only his credit and, acting like dumb as usual, made his first mistake of the new season: he activated the extension clause in Spalletti’s contract without telling him nothing. After that, Spalletti left and ADL decide to continue his centralization of power, taking a figurehead in place of Giuntoli and starts to make proclames like “everyone wants to train Napoli, I can choose between more than 40’s managers” and shit like that. The reality was that no big manager wants to, at least not ad ADL conditions, and he fished from the mud. Rudi Garcia was the one who tooked the bait.

  • theseawillclaim@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I don’t think it’s entirely his fault, nobody in the team backed him since day one. He’s never been an exceptional coach, but he’s obtained good results especially in France (same as Spalletti, who’s always been decent but never a great one) and could have done good at Napoli.

    It’s true ADL sold Kim to buy the unknown Natan (actually the best performing defender of the whole team) and bought some mysterious players, such as Lindstrom and Cajuste (you cannot buy a Kvara every year), but also managed to keep both Osimhen and Kvara, against all odds.

    I’d definitely say Garcia was doomed since day one, as nobody would ever believe in him.

  • GiuseppeScarpa@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    A bit long…

    First of all, people’s rants are not relevant. People have been unhappy with the signing of Sarri, Spalletti and so on.

    When Sarri struggled at the beginning, people wanted him out. He didn’t win but those seasons are still in the heart and eyes of every Napoli fan.

    When Spalletti lost against Empoli (from 2-0 to 2-3 in 10 minutes) in his first season, a lot of people wanted him out. We know what happened next.

    Often there’s no correlation between rants and reality.

    The big problem with this season is that ADL underestimated the impact of the manager on this team. He thought that having won with such a big margin, we could set autopilot and land on another great season.

    So when Spalletti (and Giuntoli) left in the summer and ADL had to look for a replacement he tried with some high profile manager but didn’t succeed (we have to consider that ADL makes extremely intricate contracts with many clauses that he uses to maximize the control he can have on the player or manager he is hiring, but this can lead to some issues with higher profiles). At this point he tried some secondary profile and here comes the trouble.

    If you have listened to the pre-season interviews there was something off since the beginning because the impression was that he was really trying too hard to convince everyone (maybe including himself) that Garcia was the right choice. I had never seen a presentation of a new manager in the Capodimonte museum before and now that I think about it I should have known.

    Everything was meaningless. ADL continued to refer to 433 as if any manager playing with 433 will do the same stuff. He wanted to go on the footprint of Spalletti’s tactics and since then there’s been a lot of problems on the communication layer. Every time some journalist asked about last season it looked like Garcia had not watched any match or studied last season tactics because he clearly has his pride to preserve and doesn’t want to be just a Spalletti’s copycat (or cosplayer 😂).

    And I think there’s another problem also with the sporting director Meluso. He’s a good guy and I don’t have proof that he’s not the right guy (yet) but he seems a bit too soft to be able to counter the oppressive figure of ADL.

  • CatchandCounter@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Napoli have lost their mojo. i’m not a huge conte fan but i could see him having at least one great season with them. De Zerbi would be the #1 choice for me, to build something.

  • Kalle_79@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Unpopular opinion: it’s not Garcia’s fault.

    Fans are being, as usual, completely unreasonable and bipolar about a very common and predictable “sophomore slump”.

    Let’s face it: Napoli winning the Scudetto last year was an exceptional occurrence. A mix of the team overperforming and all their rivals having an underwhelming season. Akin to what led the likes of Verona, Sampdoria, Lazio and Roma to win in the last 40 years.

    But the squad was by any means good or deep enough to sustain a second run with more expectations and with the added pressure of having to deliver in CL as well.

    Then DeLa sold Kim, replaced him with another semi-obscure player instead of strengthening the squad with players of a HIGHER caliber. And as if the lack of proper top-level signings wasn’t enough, Osimhen has been hampered by injuries and distracted by transfer rumours and off-the-pitch shenanigans that an actual Top Club would have nipped in the bud or avoided completely (I mean, the blunder by the social media manager was amateur hour stuff).

    Then it also happened that most opponents got Kvara figured out. A poor run of form, an injury and the end of the “surprise effect” have turned last season’s breakthrough prospect into a known quantity who is struggling to be as devastating. And at times he started to remember Mr. Tiraggir’ Insigne, aka a one-trick pony who gets less useful the more he plays.

    So yeah… Garcia isn’t Guardiola, but the squad is unbalanced AF, lacks quality in some areas and is probably already satisfied by last year’s triumph to have the same hunger for success and willingness to work as hard.

    It happens a lot when the club, the players, the board and the fandom don’t have an established winning culture that resets goals and expectations every season.

    In a way, it happened even to post-Treble Inter (a whole different level) when Mou left and Moratti kept all the Heroes, on a higher wage, instead of cashing out on those who still had market and bringing in younger and ambitious prospects or more established players with a chip on their shoulder. The fall was swift and spectatcular, no matter who was in the dugout.

    It’s a matter of mentality, not of tactics.

    • Roby1k@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Honestly i do not full understand why ADL choose to make a step backwards instead to make a step forward.

      I have the feelings that everything was made to keep the team as the previous season but make it as the shadow of last year. Without a good coach, CB and manager is clear that is impossible for napoli to be at the same level as the previous year, also because the replacements taken are not at the same level of their predecesseor (atm, maybe in the future they could be good).
      my doubt is why ADL seems to be falling from the clouds?
      he has (not) worked to make the team at the same level as last year (and it was clear from the fact that during the summer both he and Garcia said that the goal is to qualify for the champions and not win the Scudetto again) so why instead of making the necessary interventions this summer is he doing it now?
      why voluntarily choose to downgrade instead of trying to consecrate the current squad?
      at this point he might as well have sold osimhen and kvara, now there’s even a risk of them losing value

      P.S. im not a napoli supporter, so my questions are from an outsider view.

      • Kalle_79@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Because he’s an egomaniac AND a cheapskate!

        Strengthening the squad in order to firmly establish it as a title challenger would have required a lot of money and a stable vision.

        Neither of which are in his mind, as he doesn’t want to (can’t) spend insane money and he’s unable to let the manager work without interfering or putting his foot in his mouth on the media.

        Selling Kvara or Osimhen would have been the smart option, but without a clear idea of who bring in to replace them it’d have been an even bigger risk and mistake.

        Not every half known prospect will turn out great… So the ideal option would have been keeping them and IMPROVING the squad instead of weakening it and signing a bunch of backups.

    • Tifoso89@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I agree, Napoli had a good team last season, but two things happened at the same time: 1) they overperformed 2) the rivals sucked.

      This kind of exploit can happen. The real challenge is to repeat it.

  • satiscop@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    No one wanted to take Napoli’s Bench after Spalletti.
    Non even Spalletti accepted, because everything after a Scudetto would have been trash, even another impossible scudetto would have been considered less. Supporters, and people in general expected big things, and would have judged badly even a good season without trophies.

    So the old smart man De Laurentiis paid Rudi Garcia to be a sort of scapegoat, to set people’s judgement to a correct level, and facilitate Napoli’s work for the next seasons, and this one too.

  • Tipo_Dell_Abisso@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Simply because there was nobody else. He said that he wanted Thiago Motta which would have been the best choice imho but unfortunately he refused, like other managers, probably because this year was gonna be really tough considering that it was really difficult to win the scudetto again. I don’t agree with people saying he got cocky or that he wanted to save money, it’s a legend that goes on since he bought Napoli. As for the new players Natan seems like a great defender and he’s still young so he can improve further, while Cajuste and Lindstrom I think will be very important in the future they just need more play time. Personally I think the only problem this season was the choice of Garcia but again, it’s due to the lack of managers available right now, look at Milan, if they sack Pioli who are they gonna pick?