With the 2024 presidential race beginning to unfold, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont said he believes that President Joe Biden will again earn the Democratic nomination — and the president likely win reelection if he runs on a strong progressive campaign.

“I think at this moment … we have got to bring the progressive community together to say, you know what, we’re going to fight for a progressive agenda but we cannot have four more years of Donald Trump in the White House,” Sanders said Sunday on “Face the Nation.”

Sanders endorsed Mr. Biden in April. Sanders referenced several of those issues in underscoring what he believes is the importance of building “a strong progressive agenda” to win the presidency in 2024.

  • @HWK_290@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I keep seeing this but I’m not sure what you all want …

    • biggest investment in climate infrastructure ever
    • biggest investment in infrastructure since the new deal
    • codified gay marriage into law
    • attempted to forgive $10k in student loan (blocked by republican scotus, still attempting a workaround on interest at least)
    • attempted ban on assault weapons (let’s face it, this will never happen without an act of congress)
    • negotiated drug prices for Medicare (10 drugs so far, a blueprint for more)

    Dude is ticking a ton of boxes. Sure we’re not living in a socialist utopia with universal basic income, etc but it’s been 3 years

    Edit: with a republican congress no less

    • admiralteal
      3810 months ago

      They don’t like Joe Biden because he doesn’t pick losing fights on principle, in general, and because they don’t want to admit that the primary process on the left actually does select for the strongest candidates.

      I get it. I feel the same way at least emotionally. But $1.3 trillion dollars towards climate change and what is almost certainly the most important climate bill ever passed in the world so far is really hard to argue with.

      I would like him to stand up and advocate for court reform. We need to strike while the iron is hot and people are seeing the Supreme Court for the corrupt political institution it always has been. He’s backed down with very little fight on a couple of the things they’ve pulled lately when the Trump Administration would have just kept hammering on passing the exact same laws with tiny changes until they accept it. For example, the opinion on that student loan relief case made this incredibly idiotic argument about how the HEROES Act doesn’t give permission for partial waivers because it only allows a modification or a full waiver and the partial waiver apparently doesn’t count as either of those. I think you should have just come back and said well all right then, full waiver and total jubilee. That probably would also have been struck down but it would have really shown how vapid and hypocritical the court was.

      The word neoliberal has basically lost most meaning. But everything they accuse Joe Biden of being are things that describe Joe Manchin. The guy who singularly keeps killing Progressive legislation put forward by the Biden administration.

      • BeautifulMind ♾️
        7 months ago

        the primary process on the left actually does select for the strongest candidates.

        Does it tho?

        The 2016 general election was a contest between candidates with historically low favorables It took just 27.2% of eligible voters (in the right places) to put Trump in the White House Clinton underperformed Obama, while Trump over-performed Romney

        If ‘Did not vote’ had been a candidate in the 2016 general, it would have won in a landslide https://brilliantmaps.com/did-not-vote/

      • @commie@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        -510 months ago

        primary process on the left actually does select for the strongest candidates.

        this seems to imply that the democrat party is left, but it is not.

      • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        primary process on the left actually does select for the strongest candidates.

        The smugness. Imma vote for Cornel West just to piss you off.

        • admiralteal
          1210 months ago

          With all that projection I guess you really do have an apt username.

            • admiralteal
              10 months ago

              Primaries have a purpose. Vote in them.

              Don’t go around telling progressives to throw away their votes and let conservatives win in the general elections. Do that and you’re a colossal piece of shit working for the big bad. I’m tired of people like you helping get Republicans elected because you think principles matter more than the things they exist to defend.

              Linking to clips about an election where literally one of the more progressive democratic candidates of my lifetime lost to Bush thanks largely to progressives failing at the GOTV and a major third-party spoiler candidate. Fuck, man, at least have a sense of self-reflection.

              • @commie@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                110 months ago

                Primaries have a purpose.

                i remember the 2016 primary. the purpose was to coronate a candidate i didn’t want.

              • @commie@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                010 months ago

                an election where literally one of the more progressive democratic candidates of my lifetime lost to Bush thanks largely to progressives failing at the GOTV and a major third-party spoiler candidate

                gore won florida. the supreme court coronated bush.

                • norbert
                  10 months ago

                  It’s difficult to believe West is anything but an ivory tower academic trying to elevate his status on the national stage; I know he has a lot of opinion pieces (a lot I even agree with) but has he ever held any office at all? He’s not a real candidate, best case scenario he’s got his own angle he’s working.

                  That’s the best case. Worst case scenario he’s funded by some shady PACs looking to divide the (true) left vote and spoil 2024. You really think subconsciously racist white-America (think NIMBYs) are going to vote for a self-described “non Marxist socialist” that looks like this I have my doubts friend-o!

                  That being said, I support Dr. Wests voice in the conversation and hope he can be an intelligent advocate for thoughtful policies, even if he’s not ready for the presidency.

                  • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
                    10 months ago

                    All that could be true, but that’s not what’s driving voters to his candidacy. This country needs a fundamental overhaul of its infrastructure to prepare for the climate to come. The duopoly will be over, it just hasn’t recognized it. The goal is to pull Biden and the corporate Dems as far left as possible to the needs of the citizens. We can do it by threatening the vote, not by falling in line to maintain this flawed electoral system. I understand it’s frightening, because the threat of fascism is real. But as Mark Watney says, “Fortune favors the brave.”

                  • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
                    10 months ago

                    Says the guy that would have been perturbed because people complained about King George before the Revolutionary War. People like you prevent progress from happening. Never change, literally.

    • @Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world
      1710 months ago

      He’s also yet to declassify weed even though he carrot on a sticked it leading into the general and then again before primaries. He could do it any time and has not.

      • @Boddhisatva@lemmy.world
        1010 months ago

        If Biden were to make any such change to Marijuana scheduling by executive order, the next president would just undo it the same way. Worse still, the GOP would use such a move as a talking point that Biden is soft on crime and trying to get their kids on drugs, which the GOP base would eat up.

        In fact, though, the Biden administration actually is making progress on this front. Some time ago, they requested that U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study whether or not Marijuana should be rescheduled. Just a few days ago, HHS sent their recommendation to the DEA to reschedule marijuana from a Schedule I drug to a Schedule III drug. The DEA has sole authority on drug scheduling.

        “While HHS’s scientific and medical evaluation is binding on DEA, the scheduling recommendation is not,” the HHS spokesperson said. “DEA has the final authority to schedule a drug under the CSA (or transfer a controlled substance between schedules or remove such a drug from scheduling altogether) after considering the relevant statutory and regulatory criteria and HHS’ scientific and medical evaluation. DEA goes through a rulemaking process to schedule, reschedule or deschedule the drug, which includes a period for public comment before DEA finalizes the scheduling action with a final rulemaking.”

      • GodlessCommie
        010 months ago

        They love dangling that carrot stick before elections. Only for it to ripped right back election day and tucked away for the next election

      • Tell it to the Midwestern white women.

        The men, too, but let’s be real they’re a lost cause unless Hell freezes over and the Dems nominate someone with a gun collection.

    • @purahna@lemmygrad.ml
      910 months ago

      this just hurts to read friend, please, want better for yourself. We deserve more. Don’t settle for the pathetic Biden offering, you and I deserve so much more than these crumbs.

      • @HWK_290@lemmy.world
        610 months ago

        Ok, I agree, we do!

        I’m curious… Can you sketch a realistic road map for me where we exist in 2023 with more than crumbs? I’m genuinely interested

        The future is wide open but I’d say we’re doing the best we can possibly hope for given the last 8 years.

        • @Estiar@lemmy.world
          610 months ago

          I don’t think you’re giving it enough credit. Those are in fact very important drugs that many seniors take. It will save seniors and the government billions of dollars that can be spent elsewhere or reduce the deficit. It stretches fixed income further than before. Is it going to fix everything? No, but it’s a great step in the right direction.

          • @FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
            110 months ago

            Of course it’s great that the prices for these drugs are reduced. But I’m not satisfied with reduction of drug prices. I’ll be satisfied when there’s actual headway on making all healthcare accessible and guaranteed to all people as a basic human right. Until then I will continue to be a fucking prick about reduced drug prices.

            • @Estiar@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              I guess it’s the difference between progressive change and radical change. I’m satisfied seeing progressive change more often. But keep fighting for your end goal.

          • @Krauerking@lemy.lol
            010 months ago

            Oh my God you are telling me Biden is going to do something that directly helps pretty much only the older generations in America?

            Wow that doesn’t sound like him at all and really shows that he’s come around on being what truly can be called progressive

    • @purahna@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      these are the lowest fucking bars imaginable

      try the following:

      • enough climate infrastructure to at least stave off apocalypse
      • enough infrastructure to keep people from sleeping on the streets in the richest nation on earth
      • codifying gay marriage?? that’s where you want the bar? maybe try codifying trans rights, that one isn’t a political softball for free. It’s not even true either, states don’t have to issue marriage licenses if they don’t want to
      • “attempted” lmao really? he pretended to around midterms to stir up votes and then let it flop. he was never going to.
      • attempted a ban on assault weapons? Again, if he cared, he’d executive order it
      • how about we don’t make people pay a corporation to not die

      in regards to ticking boxes, if someone ticks every single box I’ve outlined here, I’ll think about calling them a centrist instead of a rightist

      • @HWK_290@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I mean… Yes? I agree with you 100%

        But who was ever going to achieve this? I voted for bernie in the primary in 2016 but he was never ever going to make it, and he knew it too. But because of him, progressive ideas remain in the public discourse, to the point where Biden incorporates many of those ideas in his campaign still

        Biden inherited a republican led senate and now a republican led house. If he tried more, you’d all be crowing about how he’s just screaming into the void and pointing out how much more he is failing to achieve. Let’s take the wins as easy as they may be, pray to all the gods that ever existed we’re not living with the alternative, and not let perfect be the enemy of good

      • @hypnoton@discuss.online
        310 months ago

        Spot on.

        I wasn’t a fan of how Biden quashed the railroad strike, and his response to the Maui wildfire was lackluster.

        I want someone who fights like hell for my interests, not a goddamn third way triangulator.

        No more hugs.

    • @LarkinDePark@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      This man has made his career out of destroying the lives of poor minorities. He’s a mass murdering mysoginist white supremacist to the bone. Fucking yank politics is a shitshow.