Capitalist Tears

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • At the risk of sounding corny, what worked for me was to mentally move cigarettes into a category of stuff I’ve put out-of-bounds in my head (like cocaine or crack). Even more corny is that an act of renunciation (like actually breaking a bunch of cigarettes and throwing them in the trash) helps me to flashback if I ever think about it.

    But relapse happens and sucks. To lower the chances; avoid being near people smoking(doesn’t mean avoiding those who smoke), stop or limit activities that you pair with smoking (like drinking).

    If you ever do relapse, get rid of the box as soon as possible, if you keep it within reach, sooner or later you will reward yourself with just 1 more and you know how it goes from there.

    Another thing that helped me was to start hitting the gym and running, it got rid of the last traces of craving I had.

    Good luck comrade!