I am the journeyer from the valley of the dead Sega consoles. With the blessings of Sega Saturn, the gaming system of destruction, I am the Scout of Silence… Sailor Saturn.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • The book costs 100 dollars?? Why?

    Also lol can’t even escape from gambling when buying overpriced doorstops:

    Holder Edition: In addition to what you can expect from the Trade Edition, the token-gated Holder Edition features custom edge printing, available exclusively to CryptoPunks holders. 240 editions have been personally signed by CryptoPunks creators Matt Hall and John Watkinson, and will be distributed at random. Holders can pre-order here 4/15/24 through 5/15/24

  • But I think he was also really early to understanding a lot of harms that have bit by bit started to materialize.

    So what harms has Mr. Yudkowski enumerated? Off the top of my head I can remember:

    1. Diamondoid bacteria
    2. What if there’s like a dangerous AI in the closet server and it tries to convince you to connect your Nintendo 3DS to it so it can wreak havoc on the internet and your only job is to ignore it and play your nintendo but it’s so clever and sexy
    3. What if we’re already in hell: the hell of living in a universe where people get dust in their eyes sometimes?
    4. What if we’re already in purgatory? If so we might be able to talk to future robot gods using time travel; well not real time travel, more like make believe time travel. Wouldn’t that be spooky?

  • Maybe I’m being overzealous (I can do that sometimes).

    But I don’t understand why this particular experiment suggests the multiverse. The logic appears to be something like:

    1. This algorithm would take a gazillion years on a classical computer
    2. So maybe other worlds are helping with the compute cost!

    But I don’t understand this argument at all. The universe is quantum, not classical. So why do other worlds need to help with the compute? Why does this experiment suggest it in particular? Why does it make sense for computational costs to be amortized across different worlds if those worlds will then have to go on to do other different quantum calculations than ours? It feels like there’s no “savings” anyway. Would a smaller quantum problem feasible to solve classically not imply a multiverse? If so, what exactly is the threshold?

  • Can we all take a moment to appreciate this absolutely wild take from Google’s latest quantum press release (bolding mine) https://blog.google/technology/research/google-willow-quantum-chip/

    Willow’s performance on this benchmark is astonishing: It performed a computation in under five minutes that would take one of today’s fastest supercomputers 1025 or 10 septillion years. If you want to write it out, it’s 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years. This mind-boggling number exceeds known timescales in physics and vastly exceeds the age of the universe. It lends credence to the notion that quantum computation occurs in many parallel universes, in line with the idea that we live in a multiverse, a prediction first made by David Deutsch.

    The more I think about it the stupider it gets. I’d love if someone with an actual physics background were to comment on it. But my layman take is it reads as nonsense to the point of being irresponsible scientific misinformation whether or not you believe in the many worlds interpretation.

  • Friends don’t let friends OSINT. That said… people have found his twitter (still up), goodreads (deleted), github (still up, already full of troll github issues), linkedin (I guess deleted), an interview about has school games club (deleted), his game development studio which published one iphone game (facebook profile deleted).

    His twitter account links to his linktree, but that only contains some inscrutable emoji rather than any links so hasn’t really been reported:

    💻🤓 - 🥷🏃‍♂️🧘‍♂️🏋️ - 📚🤓 - 🦍🧠 - 🍄🧠 - 🐄👨‍⚖️ - ☯️

    (I’m sure his inevitable groupies will be puzzling over the meaning of cow judge for years to come)

    The youtube page you found is less talked about, though a reddit comment on one of them said “anyone else thinking burntbabylon is Luigi?”. I will point out that the rest of his online presence doesn’t really paint him as “anti tech” overall, but who can say.

    NYTimes also reports a steam account, facebook account, and instagram account (couldn’t find any of these).


    Other NYTimes articles are now investigating his health issues (back surgery, etc)

    Edit: Look on reddit.com/r/spinalfusion where they discuss his spinal fusion x-ray and mention his (suspended) reddit account’s name.

  • Also this wasn’t necessarily a DMCA request.

    itch.io said this on the hackernews thread (bolding mine):

    The BrandShield software is probably instructed to eradicate all “unauthorized” use of their trademark, so they sent reports independently to our host and registrar claiming there was “fraud and phishing” going on, likely to cause escalation instead of doing the expected DMCA/cease-and-desist.

    And BrandShield’s response / nonpology (bolding mine):

    BrandShield serves as a trusted partner to many global brands. Our AI-driven platform detects potential threats and provides analysis; then our team of Cybersecurity Threat hunters and IP lawyers decide on what actions should be taken. In this case, an abuse was identified from the itch.io subdomain. BrandShield remains committed to supporting our clients by identifying potential digital threats and infringements and we encourage platforms to implement stronger self-regulation systems that prevent such issues from occurring.

    Which translated into English is possibly* something like “We would be very happy if the general public thought this was a normal DMCA takedown. Our chatbot said the website was a phishing page. Our overworked cybersecurity expert hunter agreed after looking at it for zero milliseconds. We encourage itch.io to get wrecked.”

    This difference matters because site hosts and domain registrars can be extremely proactive about any possibility of fraud / abuse / hacks, and there’s less of a standard legal process for them.

    * Dear Funko please do not call my mom.