• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Took a week off after my longest run ever on Saturday the 18th. I did 16 miles; ran 4 miles at a jog, 4 miles as a harder pace (10:30/mile for me), and repeated it twice. It was a grest run by my feet were killing me after. Got major blisters since I was wearing (the wrong) new shoes.

    Started back up yesterday morning. Did 6 miles and then 6x 100m sprints. Tomorrow I’ll do 7 miles and then Saturday I’ll do another long run. Not sure what I’ll do since my running coach was injured and hasn’t prescribed me workouts this week.

    My race is the Chevron Houston Marathon in January, but I’m only running the half. My first race ever.

  • Will do, as long as I remember!

    Even though my Garmin said I still need to rest I knocked out my super slow 9 miles today. First 4.5 was not bad, but my legs got heavy as stone over the last half. Feel good bc my coach affirmed that my cardio is there, we just need my legs to catch up. Average pace was 14:05/mile (omg that’s ridiculous), but average HR was 122. Took me 2 hours and 7 minutes. But again, I probably should be resting and my legs are paying for it but we’ll see how my body recovers with an extra 3 rest days a week.

  • Yeah I’m starting to recognize that. For theast two years in particular, I’ve been doing heavy deadlifts, bench press, squats, and my military press mixed in with other more typical bodybuilding exercises.

    I think I’m taxing my body too hard. Once I get back to balanced I’ll start talking with my coach about working weifhtd back in to my program but higher rep lower weight for now.

  • Actually, based on your reply I started looking into overtraining symptoms and I really believe that’s what’s happening.

    I’ve been a weightlifter for about 15 years. I’m 37 now, and I just started running. But I’m running 3 days a week and my lifting 3 days a week. I started having sleep issues and then heart palpitations 2 months ago. I thought it was stress and so did my doctor, but I thought it was weird because I didn’t feel stressed at all. Now that I think of it, the symptoms started as I was heavy into my running program.

    I took a week off completely, and my stats and body felt more normal. Now, 4 days back, they are starting again. I think that’s pretty obvious what’s happening.

    It sucks because training is literally a part of my life. I guess I’ll have to cut back weightlifting for now since I’m focusing on becoming a better runner.