• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2020

  • Are there any renters unions in your area? Getting the tenant involved with them might help them legally or practically. In the UK, we have Acorn which do a mixture of direct action (ie literally blocking Landlords from accessing the property) and supporting tenants with navigating the legal system and understanding their (somewhat limited) rights as renters.

    If there’s something comparable in your local area, perhaps approach them with the consent of the tenant? If there’s not then perhaps there’s similarly minded people which you can help to start organise and bring into the fold?

  • My partner and I are on the last few days of our Summer Solstice holiday. We hiked up a local mountain with a friend yesterday and today we’re recovering on the sofa from a week of hiking, hill walking, and slightly-too-much food.

    I’m alternating between reading some sci-fi on my e-reader (currently reading Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks), writing some psuedo-code for a single-user headless ActivityPub server I’m thinking of implementing for fun, and brewing tea. I might watch a movie later, if I get the urge.

    Earlier, as part of a bonus Solstice gift, I set up my partner’s laptop with an N64 emulator, a USB N64-like controller, and some old games she enjoyed as a child so she’s on the other side of the sofa full of nostalgia and smiling, engrossed in her games.

    Our cat is curled up on my feet and stretched out onto my partner’s lap; her favourite cuddle position.

  • For some reason, my brain just doesn’t like having folders in my home directory that don’t start with a capital letter.

    That’s fair. It never used to bother me at all but as I tend to do most stuff on the terminal these days I’ve wanted to keep everything more consistent. First the spaces bothered me, then the capitals :-P But having home folders with capitals feels like a nice exception as it is a relatively special folder.

    I like how clear Applications is. It’s also cool how you’ve got the Nextcloud folder underneath Documents, very tidy.