Kind of. The Google Drive integration lets you easily make copies of files from your google drive to see on your ReMarkable but it’s not actively syncing that file, it’s a copy. And if you want to update the file in drive, you can export the ReMarkable copy and import it into drive and delete the original, but it’s a several steps.
I’ve found that if I don’t edit a file for 50 days, I might need to reference it but I probably don’t need it changed. If you do need to edit it, I think you can make a copy in ReMarkable and delete the original
Writing feel is very similar to using fine pointed sharpies on paper, it’s very smooth, very satisfying, very responsive.
I don’t really use the handwriting recognition much and I can’t speak to the kindle scribe but I can tell you the handwriting feel on the ReMarkable is excellent and I appreciate having a distraction-free device solely devoted to productive tasks.
Given the 100 day return policy, I’d suggest giving it a try