Ihr Lob ist mir der größte Orden, liebes Zuhausi
Ihr Lob ist mir der größte Orden, liebes Zuhausi
Muss man die Autorin des Zwitsches kennen? Eine schnelle Zwischennetzsuche ergab etwas im Sinne von: Studentin, Modell, Rassistin
The Android experience is quite a bit more wanky than Apple’s walled garden. I moved to Android a year ago and it took me months of fiddling until I was satisfied. Google really tries to give you their own not-that-walled garden, giving you an Apple-esque experience. If you are not 100 % invested, it could get finicky, though. The vendors usually provide their own standard apps, but more often than not, I find them unpolished.
Regarding Log in with Apple, you could, from what I experienced, get problems, as some Android apps won’t let you sign in wit Apple, and even websites don’support it all the time. Take Tripadvisor as an example. Create an account on the iOS app, and when changing to Android, you’re basically locked out, because neither their Android app nor their website support Log in with Apple.
Really wonder how they plan to increase their revenue on the AI training data, especially now that a significant amount of their data is “poisoned” by the models they try to train
Babe what’s up? You barely touched your postnatal poo milkshake.
Oh W11 start menu is so damn slow… I usuall smash Win and then immediately start typing the Application I need. After the Windows 11 upgrade, the menu chokes on the first two letters leaving me with having to redo everything slowly.
Donald Trump seems to have some kind of German ancestry…
(Forsche Gans aus untituliertes Gans Spiel):
Weltspitze in was?
Weltspitze in welcher Disziplin??
Should’ve bought the iPhone 17 Pro, duh
llama3 is not bad and you can easily run the smaller ones on an average desktop cornfuser
In diesem Moment realisierte das Krümelmonster, dass es nicht nur kein Auto fahren konnte, sondern dass Elmo es auch noch mit der Geschichte über Reisen ins Zeitalter der Kekse mithilfe eines DeLorean hinter das Licht geführt hatte. Zeit, etwas dagegen tun zu können, blieb ohnehin nicht mehr, denn die Barrikade, die Elmo mitten auf der Straße errichtet hatte, kam mit beängstigender Geschwindigkeit näher.
Nice, in Sauerkrautland they aren’t that great unfortunately…
The AI models can only hallucinate around what humanity wrote about DPD as a company. That gives you a glimpse about what humananity did write about them.
Learnings: In certain edge cases, a capri sun is a highly viable replacement for a ravioli
Konsequenz: Mehr pfostieren damit die lockige Teigware soziale Interaktionen im echten Leben zu sozialer interaktion im_echten_leben führen kann.
As ugly as the deal is, I do believe implementing a similar principle in other european countries could help prevent takeover by far-right extremist nationalist partys all over europe.
Relativ dämlich meines Erachtens… Weil jetzt sitzt CxU an einem extrem langen Hebel. Sie können sagen: Macht es wie wir das wollen oder wir stimmen nicht zu.