If I get observatory, it’s two pair all daaaaay
If I get observatory, it’s two pair all daaaaay
You think LocalThunk is working on integrating modding into the game? that would be super cool
Yeah, that mindset was steep in a little bit of truth and a little bit of racism. China couldn’t stay behind the United States for eternity, that’s not how the flow of time works and they’re making all of our stuff so they know how to make it better.
It’s become a conservative safe space, fuck that place so hard
You know, you can create your own safe space instead of complaining
That phrase is so fucking old, you’re almost the boomer for using it, touch grass weirdo
I’m calling bullshit. If you were actually waiting to be rescued, you would not be turning down any phone number, you would still be able to communicate with that person that you were lost.
No, don’t touch me there, this is my no no pair
It can always get much much worse
Mmm i’m feeling like some Limp Bizkit personally
Real Debrid. It’s your friend if you know how to pirate, high death content streaming so low latency it’s amazing
If you have a iPhone or a Apple TV, I can blow your mind with the ease and access to high definition content for four dollars amonth, I’m not selling it, I’m not a reseller. I just like sharing ultra pirate methods.
Sorry, I bit your head off, I’m just so angry these days, thank you for taking the time to explain it to me
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Bro, you’re saying we should give racists microphones so they can recruit more racist shit bags, what the fuck are you smoking?
OK lol Bro shut the fuck up, you’ve already made so many wrong assumptions in this giant ass fucking wall of text, do you really just hearing yourself speak, do you mouth the words as you type?
Why not both