• 423 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Macron is hell-bent on dismantling public service

    This is a complete myth: France public spending has never been this high (yes, even adjusted for inflation). France has never had so many public employees. France’s health care spending has grown (fast) every year. Taxes have not significantly been dropped either.

    Macron’s government has also passed many left-oriented bills: 1 € meals for poor student, free contraceptive and morning after pills, culture check for youth, increased paternity leave, alleviating the SNCF debt, coverage of listening and dental prosthesis, subsidies for increasing housing insulation or repairing clothes, higher taxation on polluting cars, the shutdown of the airport project in Nantes, surrogate mothers, etc. You are telling me none of this could be worked on further with the left?

    People voting for the retirement age to be 60 will never agree with people saying it should be 70.

    For one nobody is saying it should be 70, for two the 60 year age is being quietly dropped by the left. Everyone knows we ain’t going back to the 1981 age, given the demography.

    But the centre and left can recognize there’s an obvious demographic and financial issue. And surely can find a compromise where people with long career and hard labor retire early, and those with office jobs and long studies can probably retire a bit later. In other countries like Germany, alliances ranging from far left to centre right can work on compromises and agree on a single program. It’s perfectly doable to find middle ground.

    but you fail to realize how this confirms how bigoted

    I think you fail to realize that in 1982, perspectives on LGBT issues were FAR FAR different than they are today. Huguette Bello, a communist which was proposed as a prime minister by the left, refused to support gay marriage, and that was in 2013 not 1982. But she is not a bigot and Barnier is?

  • Any compromise with Macron is unfortunately impossible. There is no way a single measure of the NFP would have gotten adopted if they had bent the knee

    Of course there are. There’s plenty of ideological overlap on public services, LGBT rights, the environment.

    And, sure, the far right should never be an ally, but if the idiots are going to follow you, why tell them to fuck off?

    Because when the situation was reversed and the far right voted along with Macron’s party, the left cried about a supposed “alliance with the fascists”.

    voted against the decriminalization of homosexuality

    This is outright misinformation. He voted against lowering the age of consent for gay sex with minors from 18 to 15 yo. And that was more than 40 years ago too. Homosexuality is legal in France since basically the French revolution back in the 18th century.

    You’re so full of shit it’s not even funny.

    Says the guy broadcasting fake news.

    And, sure, the far right should never be an ally, but if the idiots are going to follow you, why tell them to fuck off?

  • En tant que Français…

    Ou Espagnol, Italien, Polonais… je te fais pas la liste exhaustive des 29 états.

    Le marché sans intervention de l’État,

    Mais qui parle de pas faire intervenir l’état ? Les libéraux c’est pas les libertariens

    je te signal qu’on a déjà essayer en France et c’était pas joli-joli non plus : ça s’appelle le 19éme siècle

    Le 19ème siècle n’était pas DU TOUT dépourvu de régulations, c’est pas parce que le code du travail était moins épais que y’avait aucune règles en matière économique ou commerciale, bien au contraire.

    Ce qui est bien avec les libéraux c’est qu’ils ont vraiment la mémoire courte…

    Alors que les socialistes ils font du révisionnisme historique ? C’est hôpital qui se fout de la charité.

  • Non il n’y a aucun keynésien en France, ni vrai libéral. Il n’y a pas eu un seul budget en excédent depuis les années 70 donc nada côté keynésien.

    je ne vois personne prôner l’ouverture des frontières pour favoriser la libre circulation des personnes et ainsi améliorer la flexibilité du marché

    Il y a quand même un nombre significatif de soutiens au marché commun. La libre circulation de l’Irlande à la Roumanie c’est libéral

  • Keynes serait horrifié de voir le niveau de réflexion sur la politique économique et sociale de la France depuis la loi sur les 35 heures en 2000 , les hausses d’impôt massives de la dernière année de Sarkozy en 2011, et la politique soi-disant anti-riches de Hollande, Mélenchon et sbires qui cible en réalité les entrepreneurs et innovateurs.

    La gauche française se sert du mot “Keynésianisme” pour donner l’impression que son “on va s’endetter pour distribuer des cadeaux aux ménage” est basé sur une théorie économique sérieuse. Mais elle n’a jamais réellement voulu faire du Keynesianisme (ce qui impliquerais par ex de faire des excédents budgétaires les années de croissance), et je doute que Mélenchon, Faure ou Tondelier aient jamais ouvert un bouquin de Keynes (ou d’un autre économiste qui ne soit ni Marx, Duflot ou Piketty)

  • The issue with housing is that the supply is limited. If you increase demand and not supply you just increase prices. Giving buyers $25k extra to spend means every home owner is now gonna jack up their selling price by $25k. This is, in the end, a subsidy for existing home-owners. Who already are doing pretty well, thank you very much.

    Denying the existence of supply and demand always lead to policy failure. The way to address housing cost is to lower the cost of housing, not make housing more expensive by helping people outbid each others.