• 485 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024

  • OK so this is a really old one. It is referencing the late 90s and early 2000s when the US made about 15 million arrests a year. I want to say that number is about half that now. And yeah, 15 mil, that’s about how many people that Stalin Gulag-ed in his lifetime. I don’t really know about it since then, but it’s not like any of the people who talk to me about it do either so . But yeah thanks for calling me on it. It’s important to check on stuff like this and it and it is like a statistics thing. It is kind of just to tweak your perspective to be like hey you know maybe some of the stuff that we’ve taken as a given about the US could deserve a second look and maybe some context.

    But yeah, for this particular one like carceral state aspect. I really really don’t think the US gets compared to Stalin Russia nearly fucking enough. I don’t know I might develop this at some point or something because yeah the US is kind of like what happens when a democracy tries to do a cult of personality for like money. there’s the whole protestant aspect as well. I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ that might be a good fit for me.

  • Hey you know that I don’t get to make these choices anymore because you’re not temp banned.

    This is not an academic paper. The difference between an 18-year-old and a 17-year-old is for people who like to pretend .

    This is the US is bad group.

    it’s just that on this particular platform you’re allowed to come in and pitch your own brand of centrist bullshit. But you are always coming into my house trying to make excuses for the government. Don’t ever think you’re better than that. That is all you are.

  • Again it’s not because there’s not serious parallels between American style race-based chattel slavery and the modern forced labor system that we use to enslave people.

    They muddy the waters because they are Confederates they are ye old fascists their entire f****** bit is to play with reality. These people genuinely believe that they are scientifically better at being human and that they can prove it with their bones.

    Frankly, I think the slavery systems that the US has the most in common with is not even its own historical chattel slavery. Just normal forced labor systems historically that were not multigenerational. Like multi-generational race-based slavery is basically unique in world history and frankly every single example I’ve ever seen of historical parallels or or like any sort of historical precedent for any kind of practice even remotely similar to race-based chattle slavery basically is just an exercise in examining our own biases because they don’t f****** have them. Race is from chattel slavery race as a concept in the English language is from chattel slavery . Most human societies throughout history and most languages even are not going to have concepts of race as opposed to just normal ethnicity because you don’t even have enough of a range to realize that’s a thing that happens. It’s like being aware that there are people in the world with these other characteristics, and half the time it’s in the same sort of breath or sentence as here there be dragons and freaking people with their heads on backwards who walk shuffling or whatever. Like it’s it’s actually basically impossible to both not give someone hope that their life or any of their children’s lives could ever improve and also maintain that situation with any sort of permanence . Modern empires modern science modern pseudoscience is an integral part of that kind of system functioning and it the keys just didn’t exist more than 400 years ago all at the same time.

    Like some of the best evidence I’ve ever seen for why the slave trade stopped in the first place is just they realized how many f****** people were dying and enough of the different human links in that economic chain just noped the f*** out of it within 200 years.

    F*** I had a bad day

  • I mean, if there was a male relative who wanted it or a jilted ex or just somebody who clocked it, yeah, that was a real possibility. Also - Conservatorship, Garden Variety Elder Abuse. You can find enough anecdotes of this happening just in the last 18 months to drive yourself insane.

    Like, yeah. Yeah. Horrific absolutely terrible abuses are happening all the time and have been this entire time. That is that is the context like like have you never heard the phrase your regulations are written in blood??

    I mean frankly if you’re asking me, I would say the only reason you don’t get drowned by horrific anecdotes exactly like situations like widows losing all their money 24 seven every day of the week isn’t because it’s not happening. It’s the only reason we get horrific anecdotes 24 seven in the first place at all is because if you do that for criminal shit it makes it really really comfortable and easy for society to justify continuing as is and also the racism