• 13 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 29th, 2024


  • Especially in this economy of runaway corporate greed, we need a meaningful increase in wages revolution to eliminate those corporations and the systemic rewarding of greed.

    The fact that they could increase wages and still make money while improving society but don’t, is why they don’t deserve any more benefit of the doubt, or room to continue hoarding wealth and power as they are, because a system that craves constant growth at any cost will never stop on its own (nor provide paths for reform).

  • I’m sure all of this is correct, but you’re forgetting one thing: potatoes are the only one of these you can grow enough of to eat at home, as long as you have space for a bucket or sack or two of soil, and which basically require zero processing aside from applying heat to consume.

    I agree with you that we shouldn’t actually need to know or use any of this information, and as a poor disabled person I also know that growing your own food isn’t always an option for everyone, but if it is an option, I think it at the very least puts potatoes back in the running.

  • Omg, I’d just written a whole reply and hit cancel by mistake and it’s gone 😭

    Ok, lets try again:

    it perfectly captured the spirit of a veteran adopting a moth

    That’s exactly what I thought 😂

    I really love your photo and the story behind it! How long did it take you to make it up “the mountain” for the first time? I had a similar feeling about wanting to conquer it, but was too scared to go anywhere near for a good while lol

    Even though I love talking about stuff that interests me and I make a conscious effort to engage with stuff on Lemmy, I’m more of a lurker and I can’t help it…

    I can very much relate! I lurked lemmy for a good while before I found a community for the game I had on my mind at the time, but life got in the way, and I haven’t actually played Sims since (I have some really complicated builds on my mind, but not the time or brain power to figure out how to get them done lol), but when I was trying to think of a more casual game I could get in to, Sky came back to mind, and it very quickly became my “special interest” (how NT’s like to call things those of us who are autistic get really in to lol). I do still lurk on the reddit Sky subs without an account, mostly to double check the seasonal candle locations and general updates, but it’s so nice to actually be able to share the thoughts and photos I have, instead of them just going around in my own head, so I’m glad you appreciate it, and I appreciate you communicating back, so that I’m not just talking in to the void lol

    I also second the thanks to @talou@jlai.lu for setting this community up and updating it consistently, hopefully at some point the reddit subs will become redundant 😁

  • It wasn’t included, because, just as the replies here show, elections are not about improving society, but instead are nothing but a popularity contest designed and orchestrated to keep the public distracted while those who exploit and oppress us continue to do so uninterrupted.

    The public’s continued participation is the continued legitimisation of the process. Getting you riled up to vote “team ____ no matter who”, making you feel like you’re part of a team, that’s just part of the cult indoctrination, and the harder you deny it works on your “team” just as much as it does on the other, the stronger it’s obviously working on you.

    Their rules are made up by them to keep themselves at the top, stop obeying their self appointed authority, they don’t care about you, nor the planet.