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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • My worst nightmare. I haven’t been to the barbers for just over 12 years now (thanks male pattern baldness), and I’m not sure I trust anyone with my beard except myself. If I mess it up at least I’m only mad at me.

    Yours looks alright though tbh, I’d maybe just trim the bottom off that goatee bit but maybe wait till after the ZZ Top convention.

  • Thursdays are usually pretty good for me because I don’t allow any meetings. I can just get on with actual work instead of having to talk to people.

    One fairly minor moan - I’ve got a load of annual leave I need to use up by the end of August so have booked every Friday off for the next six weeks. Sounds great in theory, but the amount of work hasn’t been reduced, and I already had more than I could reasonably fit into a week. It does mean that today is technically Friday though, so I’ll count it as a win. @sideone

  • My better half is off to aldi first thing so I’ll be clowning around with the kids for an hour or so. I’ve been really wanting to do a Big Cook this weekend. It’s too warm for a roast so I think I’ll make burritos instead. Still fairly involved but the oven will only be on about a quarter of the time so hopefully less swampy.

    Other than that, just pottering around the house. My eldest is off on a residential trip with school in September and needs to learn how to put a duvet cover on so that’s one of my regular jobs palmed off.

  • I think we are on the same page. I’m not trans myself, but I’ve definitely noticed increasing anti-trans sentiment amongst people I talk to. I agree that a lot of that is in reaction to increased media presence, but I also think that a lot of this is the typical pushing of the “us vs them” mentality that people in power find useful, it’s just the people defined as “them” has shifted.

    I’m still optimistic, but we need to be aware of these things, and push back against them when they crop up, otherwise that optimism will be in vain.

    I’m a middle aged man with a family, two cats and a mortgage. I don’t want to be having to fight for common decency to fellow humans, but increasingly feel like I’m being pushed to it. I’m tired, and I just want to potter about in my garden with a cup of tea.

  • Maybe compared to a generation ago things are better, but over the past few years there has definitely been a ramp up in anti-trans rhetoric, both from the media and right wing politicians.

    Bathroom bills, legislation against gender affirming care, even media and literature bans in the US. And in the UK the Tories are increasingly trying to single out trans people, (unsuccessfully) excluding them from bans on conversion therapy. Even the PM was recently recorded making anti-trans jokes.

    Last year Yougov published data showing an overall decrease in support for trans people compared to 2018.

    It is better than it was a long time ago, yes, but it’s not better than it was more recently.