I agree with you. As well, if you want to squeeze out a little more profit, transferring usd to CAD while the spread is the widest is probably a good move.
I’m not a personal advisor though.
I agree with you. As well, if you want to squeeze out a little more profit, transferring usd to CAD while the spread is the widest is probably a good move.
I’m not a personal advisor though.
Don’t forget usa commerce secretary howard lutnick pimping tesla stock on fox news (last week or something?)
I hear you. I don’t go to stores often either nowadays. Just to get my weekly groceries and every 2-3 weeks, I’d go to Home Hardware or Canadian Tire.
This is what I don’t understand: did felon truly believe that average magas (so not fascists tech bros and nepo babies) are going to give up gas cars and buy EVs instead?
How are they going to lord it over cyclists if they can’t even spew out black emissions as they speed by?
This may or may not help you, but what I do is: store my reusable bags with my shoes, so every time I reach for a pair of shoes before I leave the house, I could also grab a bag.
I have been using Organic Maps and I have no complain.
I worry about this: https://www.dhs.gov/real-id but from the website, it seems that many states id/driver licenses are “REAL ID compliant” and you only need it if you fly domestically or wanting to access “certain federal facilities”.
Stay safe, friend.
I have a question for you, do you actually need REAL ID to travel domestically?
This. I personally have no plan going to usa now and in the future. Unfortunately some Canadians may still have to go for work related trips. Just be aware that you may or may not need to register in the new “Alien Registration Requirement”.
My checked luggage used to be searched when I went to usa. I knew it was searched because tsa would leave a pamphlet inside my luggage saying that it was searched. I believe they have stopped leaving such pamphlet but I won’t be surprised if they still search luggages.
I would love to play felon a song but couldn’t find my microscopic violin.
And France (Saint Pierre) I think? Thanks CBC Gem!
Yes NIMBYISM of the rich. They want all the profit, don’t care about destroying the environment for profit, don’t care about polluting the air, the water, the soil through their fossil fuels extraction, as long as we don’t ruin their views. Tax the rich.
Exactly. Why do we send oil to USA to be refined then for them to sell it back to us? We need to build our own refineries and other manufacturers so we can start producing value-added goods instead of simply exporting raw materials.
Perhaps you can try to apply for engineering jobs in Canada (in pharmaceutical companies?) and get your company to sponsor you? In term of dietitian, Canada has something called Registered Dietitian, your wife may want to research that.
I too live in a very conservative area but I will still be voting and I will be voting Liberal. Voting is my right and responsibility as a citizen and I intend to exercise my right regardless of what others do.
I am a P. Eng. in Ontario, Canada. It’s “Professional Engineer” license. As someone else has mentioned, you can be a mechanical engineer, a software engineer, an electrical engineer etc and a P. Eng. The requirement for P. Eng is passing an Engineering Ethics exam, receiving an engineering degree from accepted universities/college (doesn’t have to be a Canadian school) and completing an certain number of years of Canadian engineering work experience (ie. the work must be qualified as engineering type work, and must be in Canada). Now, I received my P. Eng more than a decade ago so the rules may or may not change.
Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) is our organization which regulates the exams and licensing. It is also a sort of watch dog which ensures that engineers are ethical and don’t cut corners. PEO also provides networking (they may organize a plant tour or conferences etc) and volunteering activities for engineers. We, engineers, pay annual fees/dues to PEO but if you work for an engineering company, your company may pay your dues for you.