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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023

  • Wishing I was in EU now🤦🏼‍♀️ I live in Ohio. The temperature here is bipolar so we get super hot and super cold. However, my phone has never been exposed to extreme heat or cold for more than stepping outside. At this point i want to switch to android because I’m sick of apples constant antics. My boyfriend has had his 11 for under a year. I want someone who claims the depletion at this rate is normal to tell me why his BH dropped from 100% to 88% in less than a year. Went from 98% to 88% in less than 6m. I know this because I had checked his BH the day i had my battery replaced 5 months ago to compare the old battery to his before it was replaced. He doesn’t let his phone die, he uses it for his blood sugar. Whatever excuses ppl want to throw around as to why this is happening are going to go in my one ear and out of my other at this point. This isn’t normal, this is just fucked up🤦🏼‍♀️

  • First of all, yes it was replaced immediately after I bought the phone BY Apple. Second, imo, a phone that is in a user’s possession for less than 6m, brand new or not, should not be acting the way this is. It freezes so bad the home button won’t do anything. Apps constantly crash when no other app is in use. Third, this isn’t just about the battery, y’all are missing the point. It’s just weird that after the update this all started happening.