• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Right now it is growing indoors under grow lights for 10 hours a day sometimes 12. I am in southern California so the low temperature at night is about 60°F and the high temperature during the day is about 85°F the house is about 75°F sometimes closer to 80°F. The crêpe myrtles all around the neighborhood are definitely starting to go dormant, but with the tree still do so under artificial conditions? In the winter the temperature will not drop below about 40°F. Can such a young sapling handle these temperatures? They normally would not sprout until the spring so I had not considered putting it outside.

    Edit to add… I live in an apartment with a west facing patio. It would only get sunlight for six hours a day if I left it outside because the first half of the day blocked by the building. That’s why it’s been growing inside. If six hours is enough at this age I can move it outside

  • I have always validated her feelings, and made sure she understands that she is excepted and loved. I tell her it’s important that we practice but that there is nothing wrong with her feelings. I have a lot of education with autism, but there is always more to learn and I always want to gain more knowledge and insight so that I can be a better parent.

    As far as a safe space I got her a pink tent house which is really nice and she loves it. She keeps her art supplies in there and she has a light and a fan to make sure that it is comfortable. It has a soft mat on the bottom and she has a long pink kitty pillow to lay on and snuggle with.

    She responds very well to positive reinforcement and praise and affection. I know that she will be OK in the long run. I don’t consider her meltdown to be a burden, but rather I feel bad for her that she is struggling in such a way.

  • I’m not autistic, but two of my kids are. I explain to them that nobody is normal, and we all have our own little world in our mind. It’s ok to be different, and make sure to surround oneself with good people. Sometimes people (esecsilly children) can he assholes, but that’s what’s wrong with them not you.

    I’m the only severely visually person in my life, and nobody will understand how different the world is for me. That’s ok though because what they do understand is when I need help, and if they don’t it’s ok to speak up and ask for it.