Im more interested hows the privacy policy? Im too lazy to read it atm
Im more interested hows the privacy policy? Im too lazy to read it atm
Well shit that explains it. To be fair it is all about perceived superiority with people who complain about parties, people who like to generalize people in a group into the same couple of categories.
If people stopped bitching less about parties and actually complained together on certain issues we would have a less divisive and focused society. Instead all i hear is constant blaming and it does nothing but rile you guys up with nothing to do with that energy.
Yes i agree certain dems in power are part of the problem but the same goes with the rep. There we got that established. Instead of continuously repeating that same fact in different conversations what are YOU gonna do about it?
Blocking me only brings me a good chuckle, as for you, blocking everyone you dont agree with only keeps you closed minded and fragile which is not what we want, right?
Youre giving the same vibes as OP youre not any better buddy. Do you notice the similarity? Both of you attack each side and associate each other with bad decisions when the decisions are shared by both parties.
If anything i hope you are able to see that rather than get a knee jerk response and block people
Your point was not eloquently conveyed then.
Because you literally said, any democrat that doesnt support sanders is supporting trump when this isnt a Trump issue…
I wonder if youd say they would be supporting trump if Kamala were in office wanting to sell arms to israel.
Did you forget that democrats supported the attack on gaza?
Jfc have some self awareness and realize both sides are doing this bullshit.
Thats correct never use the same password unless you know what youre doing
On a side note, looks like a creep isnt too happy about me sharing this info lol
Ghosting the aunt is sane. But ghosting your mom because she ghosted you in response to you first ghosting her is fucking laughably unreasonable
Crazy how youre getting downvoted lol
Good on you to backtrack and make amends with your mom. Its not right to demonize your family over politics unless they explicitly express sentiments that contradict your well being.
Its not right that your aunt and mom gave that childish reaction but at the same time your actions were also childish. Point is, apologize as you did and have them apologize for their reaction. What they did was essentially return the same energy when they should have been the bigger person.
On a side general note:
Rather than focusing on who someone voted, focus on why they voted and go from there. Someone who votes for trump is not automatically a racist bigot etc. they could have voted for many other reasons. Dont fall into the obvious mind trap that every trump voter is a piece of shit. That just further divides society.
Edit: didnt realize there was more. If your mom didnt give any excuse for why she didnt check up on you then theres not much to lose in ghosting her at this point.
Its super self centered to act like the vote they chose had everything to do with their sexual orientation.
I dont agree with the parents vote but im not gonna assume every negative reason is the same reason as to why they would vote for trump.
Neither should OP, families need to understand one another and not devolve into a political shitshow. OP and everyone else is at fault for the drama
Not if youre using your main email.
Someone can easily find your home address, phone number, relatives, by simply using your email.
So always use a spare email that isnt tied to accounts containing personal info
Its not very cognizant of you to assume that poor people dont/cant save money. Youre implying that they are poor because they dont save or youre implying that they just cant save because of how poor they are which is mostly untrue.
Bruh the idea of America had already ended well before lol
Lets not be that dramatic
Nah i wouldnt blame globalism if anything id blame on the human tendency to take the path of least resistance. Where convenience trumps all
Even then, people tend to not even give a shit about local issues unless its something so obvious. People wont really give a shit about electing the right officials but will complain about their flammable water until someONE stands up to organize and rile up the politicians
Given that, i believe its something worse than simple overload of issues.
The issue is people are too distracted and living in their own world. Its not that they cant handle worrying about other issues its because people are living on autopilot
That wouldnt go very well for poorer people.
Imagine spending 90% of your income to survive while the 10% youre saving for a car/house goes to shit because of a stupid incentive to spend?
Hell no
Theres plenty of idiots blaming if you just look. Even this guy who commented above you insinuates it lol
You know you got brain rot when you’re blaming gen z
Yeah i wondered about that. Ive seen quite a few companies do this over the years. Makes me a bit suspicious
Idk, based off of just saying we will being going back in time could mean regression and not actual time travel.
But idk who tf this guy is and im pretty sure anyone couldve guessed that anyways