I mostly pirate for others to leech. Always my slsk is getting upwards of 40 users and 30MB/s upload. It is harder and harder to get packs, or music in general from private and not trackers. Redacted does not have everything, I love the idea of big repository of music and share upwards of 50TB on slsk. Lots of Dj’s, new producers and podcast use this stuff :) I pay for youtube premium, but never rip it, I almost always buy music I like trough Bandcamp if it is available.
norėtojų krūva o bibliotekoje kol kas tik vienoje
Bandcamp now is most user friendly, but even the creators cheat by deleting their 1$ offerings, and Yes I hate bundles of 600 albums for a price of 1$
It is a very difficult topic - I use slsk private trackers and now try to revive airdc++ my data set is around 60TB - it is pain in ass to manage -HDD’s fail, you need to salvage the data, also buy a new bigger ones, ssd’s also fail. Internet connection is limited, and the MASSIVE amount of data being produced these dayz… I also run I2P and IPFS nodes, TOR snowflake. And it is massive pain that alphatracker is down… also the rarbg loss. Please keep calm, everything will be fine, I have to mention that I live in a grey country - no need for vpn - that really helps.
I seed as much as I can, never set any targets for seeding. Torrents die our dayz, so no target should be a priority. Unless it is movies 🎥 - that shit takes tons of data.
you download an original image and then: https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts oh I misread the question, even pirate bay has software, use trackers, try to get to closed ones.
Running I2P on my pc just in case :)
įdomus, fainas bičas :)
there is an group on FB [https://www.facebook.com/groups/cursedaiwtf] that is full of some fucked up things, sorry for FB, but don’t know any place weirder now.
tai jinai kaip ir tam skirta, tik didelėm grupuotėm, kaip vakar šnekėjau su buvusiu kareiviu :)
missed this one ;)
Slsk is one of the last bastions of freedom, I do it with religious zell for more than a decade, and my faith keeps getting stronger. Sometimes even tip hats gets few bucks :)
Geriau kokainą legalizuotų ir amfuką ;)
Had had a couple of bone brakes, but it felt like nothing compared to that pain, it also got away, was saved by a blood testing and going straight to operation table, after the pain ceased.