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Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Even though I wanted to see the explanation to Kamil, I liked the story for Trauerqual even more. After all the suffering he went through and living a life, the endless sisyphus touling, that never showed any payoff and paying for the sins of his brothers, seeing him see the fruits of his labour for the first time since the war, was heartwarming. I hope what remains of the Werkestock population, will come around and be able to forgive him, for what the greater duchies and circumstances forced him to do… or that they’ll at least keep the old grudges to themselves, so they’ll die with their generation, rather then being passed down to their descendance, like it happened in Ehrenfest with the Leisegangs and Gloria followers.

  • Looking at the map and the alteratered borders discussed in Volume 11, I feel like Eglantine could have given Ehrenfest some of Zausengas’s territory, instead of giving it all to Klassenberg. I know Sylvester said he didn’t need anything beyond walking back on Rozemyne’s adoption and marrying Sigiswald, but everything considered, a bit more appreciation than that would have been warrented, even if it was just a small portion of the former duchy, like drawing a straight line between it’s Frenbeltag and Klassenberg borders, as a symbolic gesture to the rest of the country.

    I bet most duchies will think that it was solely Rozemyne and Dunkelfelger who did everything, while thinking the rest of Ehrenfest didn’t do anything and having this false assumption “confirmed” by Ehrenfest not getting any reward for their role in the fight. Sure they only gave rear-line support, but that’s still more than literally any other duchy apart from Dunkelfelger and not-yet-Alexandria.

  • I always thought that Florencia was neglectful and was assuming that Rozemyne was being educated by Elvira (without bothering to ask Elvira whether this assumption was true) and thus didn’t lift much of a finger herself. I never realized the precarious situation she was in in regards to Rozemyne.

    I guess she isn’t a complete failure as a mother after all… even though I still hold a bit of resentment for it taking the Ivory Tower incident for her to take back control of Wilfried’s education, rather than immediately doing it the moment Veronica was out of the picture, several months before.

  • We don’t have the details, but we were given a vague explanation of it being a battle of wills of sort, where the interrogator has to force the criminal to show a memory, while the criminal can try to some something useless instead. While it was not mentioned, I would suppose that having more mana would give one an advantage, whether you are in the interrogating or defending position.

    That it’s possible for the interrogator to guide the memory search to some degree at least is also clear from the fact that it’s possible to “interrogate” corpses, or just detached heads, albeit we were told that the memories from corpses are difficult to access and most often fragmented.

  • I’m not surprised about Ferdinand choosing to look into Alstede’s memories over Detlinde. Acidity of personality aside, I’d also expect Alstede to know better. Alstede is a diligent person and was the one who actually dyed the foundation, while Detlinde is often too arrogant to recognize the gaps in (or complete lack of) knowledge and shirked that duty to her sister. If anyone had the complete knowledge, it’d be the older sister, even if Detlinde could be trusted, wasn’t layered in such unpleasant memories for Ferdinand and wasn’t so unpleasant a person. With Alstede being a rather meek person, she also probably had less resistence to the mental interrogation.

    I wonder who they’ll make the knight’s commander. Cornelius is a bit young, but definitely can be trusted by Rozemyne and Ferdinand and has the support of his soon-to-be wife Leonore, who complements his skillset quite nicely with her own. Eckhart could be trusted even more by Ferdinand due to being namesworn, but his personality and propensity to extreme actions at a moment’s notice and disregard of anything that isn’t Ferdinand’s will don’t strike me as ideal for the job. Strahl already has experience on the job and would know the former Ahrensbach nobles and the lay of the land better than the two Ehrenfest boys, but would also be least familiar with either Rozemyne’s or Ferdinand’s way to do things and despite having amply demonstrated his allegiance and loyalty, is still less trustworthy than Rozemyne’s brothers. I suppose with two former Ehrenfest nobles in charge of the duchy, putting a local, rather than yet another Ehrenfester on the top of the knight’s order would probably be a good political move, to keep the other nobles mollified.

    The execution magic was already scary and horrific enough without knowing the full details, but assuming the gods grant the request, even the souls of those executed are affected…

  • I really don’t think he’d let her keep his name as a shield against the gods. If anything, I’d say your reasoning is backwards: If Ferdinand had his name returned, the Gods would have all the more reason to keep Rozemyne alive, since her dying and taking Eglantine with her would mean that Ferdinand would be the only Zent candidate, which is definitely something they would not want to happen, while there aren’t any new ones. And in the long run, once there are new Zent candidates, Rozemyne having Ferdinand’s name might even become a liability, since the gods can now have a second attack route at him, through Rozemyne.

    I think him letting her keep his name is his well hidden sentimental and vulnerable side having a little peek through the layers of masks he puts up all the time.

  • It could be that she didn’t know either, which is surely a very rare, and likely embaressing thing to happen to the literal goddess of wisdom. Or maybe a bit of guilt is setting in for teating her most devout follower so badly, just to get back at that other guy.

    If feel like if she knew a way, she would probably have teased Ferdinand some more, and then probably told him for Myne’s sake.

    Then again… considering how regular noble culture works, drinking synchronization potions and using the memory searching magic tool for reasons other than criminal investigation, would probably be a very scandalous thing, so maybe she couldn’t quite bring herself to tell him that solution.