Mmm good girl
Mmm good girl
Like JJ Abrams and lense flares
Hell yeah you fly the freakiest flag you can
Don’t worry, he’s also 4 feet tall and has a complex about it
It just occurred to me you’re the person I made the goofy motorboating comment to the other day. Small Lemmy world lol. But I’d be glad to help in any way I can
I’ll throw my hat into that vagina
“omg don’t tread on meee! Leftists are so mean omg!”
Honestly if heaven is filled with people who pedal shit like that, I’ll gladly spend an eternity in fire than suffer a moment with them
Just dumped chatgpt for Le chat. We’ll see how this pans out
Tell them I said, “brrrrrrrrp”
They’ll know what I mean.
Executed perfectly.
Tight. Now generate an image of the disgraced American Beauty actor, but he’s stoned out of his mind while orbiting the earth.
Yup. Just deleted my ~7 year old account. Fuck trump and fuck spez
I’m sure European firms can do even better on practically everything