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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2024


  • I didn’t coin the term and I too believe it’s a huge generalization. However, “simpler” people are more susceptible to ads. The “normies” in question are the ones that don’t use adblockers, they believe ads are normal and they believe ads don’t affect them. Corporations capitalize on that. Better tech education would definitely help take some power away from corporations.

    Edit: even now you’ll find people that use Lemmy apps that have ads. The bigger the user base, the more greedy companies will find ways of exploiting the Fediverse.

  • It’s what happened to the internet. Devices were dumbed down to make the internet accessible for everyone. Now the “normies” are also on the internet, whereas in the past they’d belittle you for spending time on the computer.

    In time, the Fediverse will also be easily accessible. And where there are normies, you’ll find corporate enshittification.

    Edit: thanks for the downvotes because I explained the word “normification”. You’re overthinking this. It’s a term that has been around since before Reddit became popular. It’s a term that stems from 4chan. I don’t like the term, I just explained it. And yes, the corpos are to blame but they couldn’t do the things they do without a certain user base. And that’s not your typical tech savvy user base. How is that so difficult to understand?

  • I suppose its easy to find tech savvy gen-z people on Lemmy ;)

    Obviously what I was referring to is anecdotal and stems from my social bubble. But there is something to it, that growing up with dumbed down devices makes you less prone to dive deep into the details of tech. If I were born 2 decades later, I don’t think I would have gathered as much tech know-how as I did. I essentially had to go through all of it (started in the 286 era with PC-DOS, broke my dad’s PC countless times trying to make shareware games work, dabbled around on bulletin boards, grew up with the early stages of internet and saw how it turned to shit, etc.). If I didn’t have that, I might just have ended up knowing nothing more than smartphones.

  • This has nothing to do with Hungary. VW alienated themselves from their core products/customers and started building luxury cars and ditching all the affordable options. This means they were domestically competing against the established luxury brands such as BMW, Mercedes and Audi. Since that’s nowhere near a big enough market, they heavily relied on the Chinese market. They also completely fucked up the EV segment. Our minister of economy (?) Habeck predicted in 2019 that exactly this would happen to VW if they didn’t bring an affordable EV on the market. Now that China doesn’t give a fuck about VW anymore because they have their own luxury cars that also perform better, VW is fucked.