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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • Hormone therapy is an external change to align with how someone internally identifies. Taking hormones doesn’t change how a person identifies themself.

    Conversion therapy is an attempt at an internal change to align their identity with how they are perceived externally.

    While I could see someone out there attempt to conflate the two, they are fundamentally different. Not to mention the data showing how HRT is helpful and conversion therapy is harmful.

    Frankly, the conversion camps should all be banned due to the wide-spread use of vomit-inducing drugs, electrodes placed on the body, pornography, and shame tactics used on minors. I still can’t see why they can be legal when there are camps that strap minors to a chair, force them to view pornographic images, and shock them when they view people of the same biological sex.

  • In 2016, Clinton wasn’t that far behind Trump. She only needed 5% more of the registered voters to vote for her (~810,000 votes) and, in 2020, Biden was even closer needing ~3.7% more of the registered voters to vote for him (~630,000 votes).

    If you want to avoid the line, go during the first 2 weeks! Polls open Oct 21-Nov 1, with one final day to vote on Nov 5. Polls will be open at least 9 hours the first week and at least 12 hours the second week. We were the first state to have an early voting period, so take advantage of it, there’s hardly ever a line more than 5-10 minutes during the first two weeks.

    Check voter registration, important election dates, deadlines for registration, polling locations and hours, and more at www.votetexas.gov

    Edit: spelling

    Also, don’t forget that Biden received more votes in TX than NY. We have a strong blue presence, don’t be left behind make sure to vote this October/November! There’s many more offices, such as State Supreme Court seats, All US Reps, all TX reps, 15 state Senators, Ted Cruz, and many more positions at stake!

  • Votetexas.gov

    Has not only the linked voter registration check, but also has important dates, polling locations and hours, and other information.

    Polls open Oct 21-Nov 1, with one final day to vote on Nov 5. If you don’t want to wait in a line, don’t put off voting until the last day. Polls will be open at least 9 hours the first week of voting and at least 12 hours during the second week and final day of voting!

  • The American way is still thinking of a floor as the thing you stand on. We call the first floor that you step on in the building the “first floor” and going up we call the second floor you stand on the “second floor”. Going down to the basement, we call it B1 because its the first floor you step on in the basement amd so on going down.

    Europeans call the first floor that you step on the “ground floor” and the second floor that you stand on the “first floor”. Going down, the first floor you hit underground is called "-1 and so on, very similarly to the American system. The naming of floors aboveground doesn’t make logical sense to me, as they should be named for ease of navigation. ~~Telling someone that they need to go up 3 floors and then turn left on the 2nd floor hallway is inherently confusing. ~~

    Edit: sorry got that example mixed up.

    If you’re building a house I’m Europe and the ask how many floors to build and you say “2”. Are they going to build the floor that sits on the ground and one more or are they going to build the floor that sits on the ground and two more? The naming system lends itself to confusion.

  • I can remember a time that after a search, you’d just have a list of links. No extra boxes on the side or even an images tab, just the list of links. At the bottom of the page was the word “Google” and there would be more O’s, as they were links to other pages of results.

    If there were sponsored links, it didn’t say so and you’d end up with different sites at the top of the list. So I don’t think way back there were.