I know very little about all of this. But I’ve been toying with the idea of backing up my data for a while now.

Currently I just have 4 drives in my PC (3 M.2s & 1 2.5in SSDs. Total of ~9tb total capacity. Only using ~4tb atm)

I’d like to keep it as simple & cheap as possible. For now, I only want one local backup with capacity of at least 8tb. I don’t feel like multiple and or off-site backups is necessary for me personally.

So far I’m just looking at getting a cheap HDD docking station. But I don’t know how reliable that would be. Or if there’s a better solution that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

  • random74639@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If I came and took your PC away, not counting price of the components, what monetary value would you put on the stolen data? By value I mean to you personally.