A friend of mine bought tickets for a Leipzig game and is forced to install an app only for the ticket. Are they other clubs with something idiotic like this?
It’s Red Bull, what do you expect? Why even go to a game in which Leipzig is playing? There are much better options in the Bundesliga then RedBull.
RB s ticket System is annoying. Sometimes you want to buy Tickets and only have a few options or no option. Then in the stadium, some stats are empty while you know, that you couldnt buy them. The ticket bundles are maybe the reason for it. They don’t need this bundles, the demand is decent anyway.
The App isn’t a big issue imo, but obviously it’s more annoying for the away Fans.
It’s the same with Frankfurt, but they don’t tell you about the app.
“Yeah you bought tickets, go figure out where to find them yourself.”
That‘s outrageous… I guess?!
If noone likes the product, they might as well trynna bring it to you
Für den Auswärtsblock in Frankfurt gab es nur die Möglichkeit Tickets per Post zu erhalten, was ich wirklich frech finde inzwischen. Ich zahle 4€ Versand für Papier-Tickets die ich nicht will. Dass man im Jahr 2023 nicht einfach Print@Home oder Wallets im Profifussball verpflichtend anbieten muss ist auch krass. Muss man auch noch in der Woche zuhause sein und hoffen, dass sie dann auch die Tage vorher im Briefkasten liegen. Vielleicht liegt es auch an meinem Club, aber schon einige Male so vorgekommen für Auswärtsspiele.