What does this error message mean?

    • Chongulator@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      You’re not going to get much help by posting your question in a completely unrelated thread.

      Make a new top-level post and be sure to give good background information. On its own, your question doesn’t give people enough to go on. Include details like:

      • the VPS provider
      • instance size
      • Mastodon version
      • The exact wording of whatever error message you received.
      • What you have tried so far.

      When asking for help, you’ll get more and better help when you try to meet the helpers halfway. When you lob out a question like that without any useful context, many of the people who can help aren’t going to bother.

      Remember we’re all a bunch of volunteers chatting here because we feel like it, not because this is anybody’s job.