Just curious to see how you look at the sport if you actually played it. I feel like those who played would be less critical because they understand how difficult it can be on a much smaller level, let alone the pros. But maybe I’m wrong about that so just wanted to see how you guys see it.

I never played competitive ball but I feel like I’m super critical of the Lakers. Then again, when it comes to the Lakers, I feel like everyone is super critical unless they win a title.

  • cooldudeman007@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    More. But different stuff - I’m not going to be mad at a playing missing a good look or a good defensive possession where someone hits a tough contested jumper on us

    I am going to be mad at forcing bad shots, not moving off the ball, shitty spacing, not closing out defensive possessions, being lazy with screens, etc