IMO it would be an awesome service to have a simple daily or weekly spoiler-free thread where the people who watched live can recommend a particular game as must-watch. It would be particularly awesome during the playoffs. Then busy peeps can bookmark the thread and still not miss out on killer games.

The NBA has been growing massively internationally but timezones mean that a bunch of us simply can’t watch games live. I’m sure there are 'Muricans that could get use out of this too. For me, games are late night and I can’t watch anything until after work the next day (if there’s a matchup i really wanna watch I have to be careful online until then too)

Highlights are cool and all but some games are incredible start to finish and it seems like this would be relatively easy to do.

Any interest in a sticky that covered this or am I the only one who would love it?

  • YoHoochIsCrazy@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    Yes! Awesome idea! Even if there are other websites, a stickies thread would reach so much of the community. It wouldn’t hurt the subreddit experience, AND it would encourage more people to watch full games (instead of just highlights and box scores).

    Plus, if the “top games” are all archived over time without scores, it’d be really easy to go back and watch games you’d since forgotten about.

    PS. If your comment is hating on this idea, YOU’RE the problem with this sub. The more accessible basketball is to watch, the better the experience will be on the subreddit! Please think about why you oppose this idea, because it’s a good one that doesn’t hurt anyone by existing.