Do you think the title is true or false? In my opinion, I think Jokic clears Wilt Chamberlain offensively. Wilt is probably the better scorer due to the records but skill wise, Jokic clears him via the eye test with his insane skill gap and that compensates for Wilt’s athleticism gap. Nothing more to say on playmaking because Jokic is easily the greatest playmaking big of all time.

Does Jokic’s efficiency and skill gap offset Wilt’s record breaking numbers and athleticism or do you think Wilt is just better offensively?

  • Rrekydoc@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    Just to be clear, Jokic is not more efficient for his era. Nearly every year Wilt set the record for points, he was scoring with efficiency as impressive as Jokic’s first MVP season. When Wilt was scoring as little as prime Jokic, he was as efficient or moreso.

    You seem to be overestimating the skill gap. Wilt was generally much more skilled as a scorer, but he didn’t have the range or reliable free throws Jokic does (Jokic’s greatest scoring gift is how terrified offenses are to crowd him). Jokic is better a passer, but not by as much as you seem to think; Wilt was still doing things we haven’t seen Jokic do or at least do quite as well as Wilt.

    Wilt had high “basketball iq” and even Jerry West said he was one the best at knowing what the other players were going to do before they did it.

    Other than shooting range, Jokic’s biggest offensive gap is being a fantastic floor general. While Wilt proved he could facilitate the greatest offense the game had ever seen, he wasn’t making that level of adjustments in his team’s schemes to create or exploit flaws in his opponent’s defense.

    Wilt was drafted only a year before Oscar Robertson and everyone then still considered Wilt to be the “greatest offensive player ever”.

    The fact that Jokic is in the conversation and is still improving is downright amazing… but there’s no way I’m crowning him this early in his career.