UEFA handed out two additional fines: One €26K fine for people standing on the stairs and another €8K fine for lighting two flares in the crowd.

  • Opening_Succotash_95@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    Well in the case of some clubs, such as Celtic, politics are intrinsically bound the the formation and history of club. I don’t think it’s very sensible to try to separate them entirely.

    • bcotrim@fediverser.communick.devB
      11 months ago

      And do they still represent the Celtic fanbase today? I know it comes from the catholic and protestant divide, which can also be linked to views on the whole UK, with the people supporting Rangers or Celtic based on that, but today people follow what their parents support

      That’s why I don’t like when they start supporting different groups that don’t represent their entire fanbase (even worse when what you’re allowed to support is decided purely on whether it’s a brand risk or good PR) or even the players. We’ve had a player in Ligue 1 who plays for a Qatar-owned team being sidelined because he didn’t want to wear an LGBT-themed shirt

      I agree there are moments that you can’t separate, like last year’s World Cup, but like I said in my original comment, you can still discuss and take positions outside of the field, but from the moment you decide to play, football should be the only thing